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I can't believe I just dreamed about him kissing me. I'm -
K: cmon vy.
I: actually because you agreed with this fake relationship thing you have to learn how to kiss.
K:what you think I can't?
I: your girlfriend Lauren was definitely not a good kisser.
K: oh? And what you think I can't kiss?
I: no. Here you try to kiss me. Or show me how you'd kiss a girl you were in love with. After all babe. You are my boyfriend...
K: shut up vy. Let me work.
Kio grabbed my hips and pulled my close like he did in my dream. His hands moved to my thighs and he lifted me up. He started to kiss me passionately. I really enjoyed it. He pulled away but I continued to kiss him. He pulled away his nose on mine.

I: not bad cyr.
K: not so bad yourself vy.
He put me down. I could feel the tension rising between us. Kio and I left the room and I jumped on Kio's back. I'd have to admit to consider myself Kio's girlfriend is pretty nice. I took advantage of it because I knew it'll never happen otherwise.

A: awww would you look at them
D: yeah sure whatever
I: always a pleasure adeline and Dylan.
D: wish I could say the same.
R: hey you guys
She immediately walked over to Kio and wrapped his arms around her.
Kio looked at me his eyes said "help me"
I laughed.
D:what's so funny?
I: oh nothing...actually becca I'd appreciate if you'd uhhh...let go of my boyfriend.
R: excuse me?
I: that's my boyfriend...
R: since when?
Shit Kio and I hadn't discussed what I was supposed to say shit uhhhh...
I: since grade 8.
R: so then why do you let him do these things?
I: what things him wrapping his arms around you?
R: yeah.
I: well becca as I recall you grabbed his arms and wrapped them around your tiny little waist.
R: which is something you'll never have.
I: oh...that's the best you could come up with?
R: oh I could come up with worse.
I: try me.
R: let's start with your hips they are about 20 cm too wide. Your thighs are way too big. Your nose is extremely huge. And your ass is too small. Along with your boobs. Don't even get me started on-
D: becks that's enough...
R: no she asked for it.
I: it's fine Dylan.
R: as I was saying you look at least 30 pounds over weight. And that's all I can see for now.

I:  oh you're done? Finally. Just so you know becks. I honestly hope you didn't expect me to cry. I play one of the hardest sports. Unlike your lazy ass the sport you play is "daddy please" and a sport where balls fly in your face.
Everything you just told me I've heard my whole life. And honestly I don't hear it anymore. It's always gonna be there. But at least I didn't have to starve myself for 2 weeks and have my nose and boob job done with daddy's money. Because unlike you becca I'm no trust fund baby. Now if you'll excuse me my throat hurts from talking. And there ladies and gentlemen is becca speechless probably from the choking that happens way too often.

I started to walk away but I started crying. Everything becca said was true. I've heard it my whole life but I've never felt so insecure. I walk over to the elevator as ride up to the room. I sit down on the bed and I feel like shit. I honestly wanted to kill myself right then and there. At least I could jump off the boat and nobody could find me. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the razor and used it to cut my wrist. I used to do that a lot in grade 7.
I stopped because my parents would kill me.
But their not here so. I cut three times across my wrist. Kio came into the room. He saw me on the bathroom floor with the blade in my hand crying.

K: vy?! Vy what the hell are you doing?!
I: what does it look like brainiac?!
K: vy!!! Stop it!
I: do you want me to kill myself slower?
Kio started crying as I started to drift off Kio slapped my face lightly.
K: VY listen to me! Hey VY! vy? Vy please...
He started to cry. Grabbing me in his arms. Hugging me.
K: vy listen to me. You don't need her we both don't vy. You know when we first met...I acted like some smart guy because your mom told my that you were good at math. So I learned the entire multiplication tables in kindergarten because of you. And and and ... the first sports game you came to. When I uhhh I got knocked out and I spent the night in the hospital in grade 8... my mom told me you stayed the night. Vy...please I don't know what I'd do without you...who would I bake brownies with? Who will listen to cheesy music in the car with me? Who will deal with my bullshit and messes I make?

I started to doze off...I had taken a sleeping pill just so the day would be over. I fell asleep in Kio's arms but as I was falling asleep I could hear Kio crying. It broke my heart. I never knew how much Kio cared about me. He's never told me before. All I could think about was Kio. He cared so much for me. If only he knew how much I cared about him.

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