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I just thought about the times i had with Kio.
Flashback grade 3
Kio: oh I'm so sorry...
ivy: kiooooo....you got paint all over my dress
Kio: here pour paint on me
Ivy: are you crazy?!
Kio: it'll be even then
I poured the entire bottle on Kio's head.
Kio: happy?
Ivy: Hahahah yeah.

Flashback grade 4
Ivy: kioooo...helppppp
Kio: I don't wanna help
Ivy: you never do
Kio: ughh fine quit your whining
He climbed up and fell and scraped his knee
He started to cry.
Ivy: Kio! I'll go get help.
I ran to get Kio's mom.
Ivy: your moms coming. How are you feeling?
Kio: it hurts Vy.
Ivy: here hold my hand.
Kio: why?
Ivy: it'll help the pain?
Kio grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

Flashback to grade 5
Kio: found you.... hey what's wrong?
I looked up from my arms after crying
Ivy: eww omg Kio no...don't look at me I look so bad right now
Kio sat down.
Kio: what's wrong Vy?
Ivy: we broke up...
I leaned over onto Kio's shoulder he lifted his arm and put it around me. I hugged him and I cried.

Flashback to grade 6
Kio: ivy? You in here?
Ivy: Kio? Are you crazy you could get in so much trouble.
Kio locked the door
Kio: what happened?
Ivy: Kio...this is a girl thing
Kio: I don't care what happened.
I was crying
Ivy: I got my period...
Kio: oh uhhhhh...come here I'll walk behind you to the office.
Ivy: you'll be late to class
Kio: I don't care Vy. Come on let's go.

Flashback to grade 7
Ivy: you can't be serious.
Kio: I am
Kio: I know you are but what am I?
Ivy: I'm being serious you are gonna tell Amber to go with someone else to the dance?
Kio: yes Vy that's what I said.
Ivy: you're crazy
Kio: I know you are but what am I?
Ivy: you have the most popular girl in our grade to go to our first boy girl dance and your gonna tell her to find another date?
Kio: yes
Ivy: Kio I won't let you...
Kio: I will not let my best friend not have a date to this dance.
Ivy: well I'm not gonna let my best friend get rid of his date for me.
Kio: but I want to.

Flashback grade 8
Ivy: smile
Kio: we look great
Ivy: you look great
Kio: stop it you're  making me blush

Flashback grade 9
Ivy: Kio - Kio I cant do this
Kio: hey your gonna be great
Ivy: I can't-
Kio: you'll do great I promise
Kio runs of as the announcer calls
Announcer: number 4 as Kio cyrrrrrrrrrr
Random girls : I love you Kio!
Cheer team captain: alright ladies we got this let's go. You ready Vy?
Ivy: as ready as I I'll ever be.
Cheerleaders: panther pride! Panther pride!
We're stepping up so step aside! We're the best we're here to win panther powers here again!
Woohooooo let's go pantherssss!!!!
Crowds cheering.
About thirty minutes in the game the ref calls a timeout Kio was injured he might not have been able to make the winning shot. I followed him to the first aid station.
Ivy: hey hey Kio you're gonna be okay
Kio: Ivy I cant do this it hurts so badly
Ivy: Kio you got this...I didn't think I could do this cheer but you got me to do it Kio. YOU!
Kio: Vy-
Ivy: Kio you got this...please you can do this
Kio: but Vy what if I miss what if I don't-
I kissed Kio to make him shut up.
Ivy: look Kio you're one of the best I know I know you can do this.
Kio got up and limped his was back onto the field. If kio made this shot he wins.
Kio aligned himself with the net and kicked the ball. Ref whistle blows.
Crowds cheering. I ran over to Kio on the field.
Ivy: see Cyr I knew you had it in you.
Kio: hahaha yeah...
Susan: Kio!!!!
Susan kissed Kio. Susan was Kio's girlfriend at the time.
Ivy: right talk to you later Kio :):

Flashback grade 9
Kio: cmon Vy it can't be that bad...
Ivy: I look like a I don't know...
Kio: omg Vy just get your ass out here.
I opened the door.
Ivy: Kio are you happy?
Kio and I went out dressed as an angel and a demon. Guess which one I was?
Kio: you look so dumb
Ivy: I know you are but what am I?
Kio: really now?
Ivy: oh yeah kio that's gonna bite you in the ass one day
Kio: well then Vy I look forward to that day :)

Flashback grade 10
Kio: Vy...are you...
Ivy: go away Kio..
I had mascara all over my face.
Kio: Vy cmon...
Ivy: no going to dances suck.
Kio opened the door to the bathroom stall and sat next to you on the floor.
Ivy: shouldn't your date Lauren be looking for you?
Kio: nah she's not interested in me.
Ivy: oh I'm sorry...
Kio: cmon Vy...please one dance? And then I'll take you home if you still wanna leave.
Ivy: fine Kio. One. One dance.
Kio stood up and put his hand out. Kio walked me to the dance and we started to slow dance.
Kio just stood there.
Ivy: do you not know where your hands go?
Kio: on your shoulders?
Ivy: you're so stupid Kio.
Kio: I know you are but what am I.
I sighed but laughed.
Ivy: they go on my waist Kio. Remember that so when you go to prom you don't embarrass yourself.

Present day
Oh god I just spent an 11 hour flight thinking about Kio. Man we've had so many good times. I wish I had just told him sooner that I liked him.

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