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I stayed over that night. I woke up in Kio's room. I don't even wanna know how. Kio walked into the room.
Kio: morning Vy.
Ivy: good morning kio. You're in a good mood today?
Kio: oh uhh... sure.
Ivy: what's up?
Kio: nothin :)
Kio ran over to the bed and jumped on top of me.
Ivy: k- Kio what are you doing?
Kio: I want cuddles...
Kio just laid down on my chest. I had never felt so awkward but yet I felt happy. Like I hadn't seen Kio in months but...I couldn't stay mad at him. I couldn't stop staring at his fluffy brown hair. I couldn't help myself. I just started to play with his hair. And he just got more comfortable.
Ivy: Kio baby...I need to get up...
Kio: ( baby voice) no Vy I'm comfortable.
Ivy: cmon Kio...
Kio: no.
I heard someone say Kio from downstairs "Kio"
Kio jumped off me and ran downstairs I got up and walked downstairs after him.
Ivy: oh hey brynn
Brynn: oh're back.
Ivy: yeah just for a bit...
Kio: why are you here baby?
I walked away I was super uncomfortable. I walked into the kitchen and I saw josh.
I sat on the counter.
Ivy: hey josh
Josh: holy shit you scared me. I didn't hear you come in.
Ivy: hahah sorry.
Josh: it's cool so what's up?
Ivy: that...
he looked behind me and saw kio and Brynn making out. God I wanted to puke.
Ivy: I hate PDA.
Josh: you hate PDA or you just hate it because it's Kio.
Ivy: I'm sorry what?
Josh: n- nothing...ummm...did you wanna be in the new teatok video we're filming today?
Ivy: oh uhhh...sure I mean if you want...
Josh: yeah I kinda need a guest Bryce is getting boring.
Ivy: hahaha ok just let me go change.
I walked back upstairs and I got ready m. I just wore a plain graphic tee. And some black leggings. I walked into joshes room and Kio was sitting on the couch. I guess he was a part of the video too.

Josh: y'all ready?
Bryce: let's get ittttt!!!!!
Ivy: oh boy...
josh: AYO WHAT IS UP YOU GUYS and welcome back to another tea tok today we have a couple special guests.
Bryce: at Bryce Hall on Instagram
Kio: Kio Cyr
Josh: yeah there boring but this is...
Ivy: ohhh ivy :)
Josh: ivy what are ya ummmm why are you here?
Ivy: because you asked me to be in your video.
Josh:ha ha ummmm...ok so to start off.
Then the door bell rang.
Josh: holy fuck IM TRYING TO FILM!!!!
Kio left the room and came back with my Starbucks.
Ivy: givmeeeeeeeeeee
Kio handed me my Starbucks and sat next to me on the couch. He took some of the whipped cream and put it on my nose. We were basically flirting on camera. Josh finished his tea tok.
Ivy: how do you guys sit here for that long?
Josh: well because Bryce always fucks up.
Bryce: shut up josh.
Ivy: ohhhkaayyy I'm DONT wanna hear this so bye boys.
Though I really had no where to go I went to Kio's room and sat on his bed. Kio walked in.
Ivy: you and Brynn are still dating huh?
Kio: yeah... ummm...about that. I wasn't -
Ivy: you weren't supposed to talk to me anymore. Yeah I know but why?
Kio: I DONT know like she thinks I like you and that you like me. Which is crazy.
He waited for my response.
Kio: which is crazy...right Vy?
Ivy: yeah right. Pft maybe if we were 5 still but not anymore.
Like this is a problem...I'm- I don't know if I still like Kio. Like after the whole cuddling thing. I'm so confused. I wonder would Kio let me cuddle with him? Honestly it's just an excuse for me to cuddle.
Ivy: Kio? 🥺
Kio: what's up vy?
Ivy: can you come cuddle pwease?
Kio ran over to the bed jumped on Top of me again. I was so happy. That's the thing though this is the problem. I DONT know where our relationship stands. I ended up falling asleep but I woke up to 20 text messages and mentions and tagged posts on Instagram and TIk tok. And I was trending on Twitter.
I was so scared I woke Kio up. I come to find out that...josh and griffin had gone live on the sway LA Instagram account. And they had came into the room and Kio and I were sleeping on each other. I will admit it was cute. But after that we were trending on Twitter. And people had gone back and looked through our old TIk toks to find videos of us together and made edits. Kio and I watched a bunch. They were cute. But everyone shipping us was a problem. And Kio had missed calls from brynn and Brynn texted him saying she's coming over. Which is another problem. So I had to get out of there I asked Jaden to drive me somewhere. I didn't wanna be a part of brynn or Kio's issues.

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