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Josh pulled up to this big ass house. Kio got out of the car and opened the door for me.
Kio: ready?
Ivy: I don't know Kio what if they don't like me?
Kio: what are we 5 years old? It'll be fine Vy. If not you can just live with me.
Josh: don't worry ivy you'll be fine.
Josh opened the door and we walked in.
All the boys came running to the front door and they all hugged Kio. One of them said "who's the girl?".
Kio: boys this is ivy. Ivy this is Jaden, Anthony, Quinton, Griffin and Bryce.
Jaden: nice to meet you ivy...but ummm..why are you here?
Kio: Jaden-
Ivy: it's fine Kio. Ummmm..Kio and I have been friends since what? Grade 1? Ummm...and I'm modelling here. And I needed a place to stay. But if you guys are-
Jaden: no it's fine. It's nice to have new people over.
Ivy: oh-
Griffin: well ummm...are you busy today?
Ivy: ummm...I have a week of just screwing around. But then I have a couple of jobs and photo shoots.
Quinton: ahh ok well we were planning to go to the beach today. Would you wanna come?
Ivy: yeah sure.
Bryce: do you have a swim suit?
Ivy: Bryce I'm a model.
Bryce: right.  
Kio: Vy how bout I go put the bags away and you sit and get to know the boys?
Ivy: you sure? I can help.
Kio: I'll be fine Vy.
Josh: cmon we'll go sit in the living room.
We all sat down.
Bryce: so ivy....you have a boyfriend?
Ivy: oh uhhh yeah I do.
Bryce and the boys seemed surprised. I guess they weren't expecting me to be in a relationship?
Jaden: who's the boyfriend?
I pulled up my phone and showed them a picture.
Ivy: that's my boyfriend...ummm...we started dating a month? After Kio left.
Quinton: oh.
Josh: favourite song?
Ivy: oh uhhh...I have a few I really like "FINNEAS".
Anthony: he's always good.
Bryce: hey ivy...just wondering would you mind taking pictures with us? For the sway Instagram?
Ivy: oh sure.
Josh: okay boys let's get going. Kio!
Kio: yo what's up?
Josh: can you grab the surf boards?
Kio: yeah! Vy you wanna come up and grab something?
Ivy: for sure Kio.
I ran upstairs to help kio. I grabbed my swimsuit. All the boys were already in the car. I had to change fast. I changed and grabbed my sunglasses.  Out the door we went.
We got to the beach.
Kio: Vy last one to the ocean is a rotten egg.
Ivy: too bad you're slow.
I started to run and Kio was holding onto the surf board and we were racing. I made it to the water and Kio pushed me in. The boys were just looking at me.

Josh, jaden and Quinton  pov (Anthony didnt come)
Bryce: there's no way that she's dating that guy nick.
Josh: why?
Jaden: josh you air head do you not see those two?
He pointed to Kio and ivy in the ocean. They we splashing around and laughing. Kio was trying to get ivy to surf.
Josh: you don't think?
Jaden: Kio's dating-
Bryce: shhhh shut up. I don't think ivy knows.
Josh: you don't think he told her?
Bryce: if he did would she be so close to him right now?
Jaden: I- I don't know Bryce.
End of pov.

Kio and I got out of the ocean and walked over to the boys.
Ivy: what's up guys?
Jaden: oh uhhh nothing come sit down.
Bryce: oh Kio how's you and Brynn?
Kio looked at Bryce. He looked pissed.
Ivy: who's- who's brynn?
Bryce: Kio's girlfriend.
Kio: yo Bryce can I talk to you a sec?
Bryce: sure buddy.

Kio and bryce's conversation:
Kio: what the hell bryce?
Bryce: what?
Kio: I didn't-
Bryce: you didn't tell her.
Kio: no.
Bryce: and why not?
Kio: I - I don't know...
Bryce: Kio it wouldn't have made a difference. She has a boyfriend Kio.
Kio: I- I know but...
Bryce: but you're still in love with her.
Kio: no I'm-
Bryce: cmon kio. You really think we didn't or we don't see the way you look at her? Or the way she looks at you? I know you both are in relationships. But something tells me that you guys are in relationships with the wrong person. If I can see that. Then you should too.
Kio: Bryce-
Bryce: Kio are you blind? Don't get us wrong we love brynn and we know she makes you happy. But we saw you with ivy for maybe 2 hours. And we've never seen you smile so much. So like I said. You guys are in relationships with the wrong person.
And you bette tell her about brynn. Before it's too late.

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