Just your average day at work

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" Yo what up dog" Royce cheerfully said entering the studio with a few Friends following behind.
It's now back to Monday and back to another day at work, the only good thing about this is the fact that I get to see Andrea since I haven't seen her since last week.

" nothin much. What about you?" I smiled shaking his hands like we always do.
Today one again Royce and I are working on bad meets evil while also writing some verses with slaughterhouse. Fifty isn't coming into work but since he's still here from the other week so he's coming in to say hello just like Paul is around about lunch time.

" nothing much..... Where's your girl? I thought she would be here nice and early" he smirked noticing that Andrea isn't here yet making me playfully shove him towards the table. Just because she works for me doesn't mean she has to be servicing me 24/7, besides with everything that's happened I'm hoping she's been getting rest.

" she's coming in normal time, she's had a few stressful days at home" I answered Royce while following him and the guys into the conference room. Andrea hasn't really been herself since the incident and I'm just hoping it's nerves.

" why what happened?" He asked concerned about her just like everyone else is.

" I'll explain a soon as Paul and stuff arrive " I answered knowing it's better to just tell all the guys together rather than telling a few at a time and individuals. I'm planning on keeping my word and making sure everyone is aware that Andrea doesn't want them to fuss over her when she gets in.

Andrea p.o.v

" have a good day at school boys, and please call me tonight sometime " I happily said watching as the boys scramble around the car making sure they have everything before they head of inside.

" okay mum we promise" Liam said from the backseat just before he leans over and kisses me softly but very quickly making sure no one can see his little side of affection.
It's the beginning of Another week, and once again the boys are swopping houses and going to stay with their father, leaving me to have a week off.

" are you sure you are alright being alone since Jordan has disappeared and after everything that's happened?" Hayden asked from beside me for like the second time. They could tell Im still a little freaked after what has happened.

" yeah she'll be fine, she's got big scary Eminem to protect her" Liam joked before I could even answer Hayden, making us all laugh easing the mood in the car.

" I'll be fine, I promise. Just remember to call me okay" I smiled, easing there worries by letting them know Everything is going to be okay. Besides Liam is right without a doubt Marshall and I'll be together majority of the nights.

" okay mum, love you" Hayden smiled leaning over giving me a little peck before quickly jumping out of the car. It's funny ever since the incident, Hayden has been really worried an affection towards me. Usually it's Liam who's a mummy's boys but lately it's been Hayden.

I managed to get the boys of to school and making work right on time. I take one last glance at my bruise which seems to be not as bad as Friday night making sure it's covered Enough with makeup before Jumping out of the car.

Even though I know Marshall has probably already filled the guys in since they started recording around about 8, I'm still happy to see they are all busy in the studio and can quickly make my way into my office with out being seen by anyone I know.
Like every Monday piles of paper has stacked up on my desk just waiting for me to sort out, so I begin knowing In a couple of hours the guys will venture out of the studio and I'll probably get way to distracted to properly focus on the task.

" hey" I heard from the door looking up to see Marshall standing there looking as gorgeous as ever even though he's only wearing A tracksuit. We can't help but smile at each other as those butterflies feelings start invading my tummy like they always do when I see him.

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