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Shuichi had woken up around seven thirty in the morning. He rubbed his eyes and yawned slightly, as he stretched, he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He took his clothes off and stretched out his limbs and neck, he stared at himself on the mirror for a while, blankly, slowly zoning out from being half asleep still. However there was no time for distractions, he walked inside of the bath, and opened up the warm shower. The male felt his body relax as the boiling warm water slowly traveled throughout the entirety of his body. "Today is going to be a long day." He thought, while taking the Shampoo and scrubbing his dark hairs.

Eventually, the male got out of the shower to then proceed to wrap a towel around his lower body. He brushed his teeth to then commence his daily skin care routine. When finished, Saihara detoxicated his hands and took out his contact lenses, which he had been using for almost a year now. Slowly, he pulled open his eyes and slowly connected the small piece of glass to each one of them at a time.

—I should get a new prescription when I get my next paycheck.— Saihara told himself as he glanced at himself in the mirror for a short while, afterwards he proceeded to walk out to the bathroom and to his room. He took out the uniform from a small flower shop where he worked for full time, said uniform consisted on dark brown pants, a white apron, and a pinkish purple button up shirt of long sleeves workers were asked to keep up to elbow level. He got his old white converse on and headed towards the bathroom for a second time to then proceed to take out his liquid eyeliner. He hesitated at first, but then decided not to do it because his eyeliner style would not match the Flower shop's uniform.

Saihara went towards the living room with the water spray he maintained in the kitchen.

—Good morning my dears!— The male exclaimed with a sweet smile on his face, he went close towards his plants, and proceeded to spray them with water. He loved plants, almost with his whole heart, he couldn't describe the feeling, plants just, made him feel better. It was probably because specific cells and aromas produced which he cared too little to pick out.

Afterwards, Saihara took out his bag and placed inside a sandwich, two water bottles, his phone, his headphones, his charger, and an apple, to finally take the house keys and leave for work.

[K O K I C H I]

The alarm loudly played in the background while nobody else but Kokichi Ouma himself attempted his hardest to wake up. He yawned loudly as he tried to take his phone from the drawer next to his bed. Of course, this was an unsuccessful attempt, as Ouma instead ended up making the books on his drawer fall from the movement, the male groaned, as he got up to go grab his things and get ready for work.

He wobbled towards the bathroom and washed his face to then brush his teeth. The purple haired one stared at his reflection for a while, his hair was a mess and his eye bags were turning a pitch tone of purples and reds. The lack of sleep with stress from school was going to kill him sometime. Ouma sighed, and rinsed his mouth with cold sink water. He dried his face and went towards his room, where he changed to his work uniform, said one was a dark green polo shirt, some Bermuda black pants, and his lower black apron. Ouma took some random old shoes he had in his closet and placed them on.

The purple haired one glanced at the kitchen for a while as he packed some stuff before leaving, he was hesitating if he should eat breakfast or just drink some cafe he worked at, he proceeded to shake his head and choose the second option. He grabbed his bag and left his small apartment, straight towards the cafe.

[S H U I C H I]

Saihara found himself in front of his Flower Shop, he saw how a shorter one of purplish hairs went to the building next to his, but he didn't have it much attention. Drawing a smile on his face, the male proceeded to go inside the still closed store, just to be greeted with a thight hug from his fellow co-worker.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now