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[S H U I C H I]

The male found himself at work on a Monday morning. Kokichi was at school, and the day was calm. It was quite boring for him, he was used to the shorter boy being loud and such. He missed it.

He found himself on the back of his Flower Shoo, when he suddenly got a call from an old friend.

—Oh uhm hey R-

—I FEEL BETRAYED!— A dramatic, deep voice, screamed from the other side of of the line, faking crying.

—I can NOT believe that you haven't texted me for almost a MONTH now.— The male of green hairs said still seeming upset from the other line, though not really.

—Uhm... I am sorry...?— The male of blue hairs said in a confused tone towards the phone quite shyly.

—No, I don't want to hear it. save your excuses to a fool that will actually buy them.— The green haired male said still in a dramatic tone.


—Anyways I am already at the front of your shop, where are you? Don't be Hindi g from me now.— The older male had said, from the other side of the line, Saihara stood up, and walked towards the front desk, to face in fact, the taller male.

—Well Greetings Shuichi. Missed me?— The male said chuckling, the blue haired boy was just trying to catch up with his friend's confusing self.

—Well uhm.. How have you been Rantaro?— The shorter male said trying to avoid the taller male's question changing the topic. The male of green hair just sighed.

—I have been fine, busy with some work, but in general pretty chill honestly.— The Green haired boy said placing his hands on his pockets, while swinging around. —You?—

—Well uhm...— The male blushed lightly.—Me and Kokichi started dating..— The male said, closing his eyes slightly, after all, he didn't want to upset Rantaro for not telling him.

—you two are WHAT NOW— The taller male said loudly slamming his hands on the table, making Saihara flinch.

—P-please don't make a commotion..— Saihara said laughing awkwardly over the behavior of the taller male, it was hard for him to believe that the male of his friend was not only his closest friend but also older than him.

—Sorry sorry, but when did you two started dating?— The green haired male said, calming down a little.

—A week or two honestly.— Shuichi said smiling, remembering the nice times he had shared with the shorter male, actually wondering what he was doing at the moment. Rantaro nodded.

—Honestly dude I am proud of you, you finally have someone to love. If it doesn't work out, I will be here to help you out.—Rantaro smiled at the blue haired boy. Saihara meanwhile, was about to tear up, his friend here was the first person that reacted positively towards him dating the short boy of purple hairs, it made him happy.

—Thank you!—Saihara said finally smiling back at him.

—Well, I have to get going now, work starts soon, hope the best for you two!— and with that, Rantaro left the store, Shuichi sighed, and just continued to do his own work.

[K A I T O]

The male of now short, light purple hairs was walking around the filled up streets of Japan, when he saw a blonde female through  the glass of the library. He didn't hesitate on coming in, and checking on her, after all, he had seen her multiple times coming out of  the store which his brand new friend, Saihara, worked.

The male came close to the female that had her earbuds on with an optimistic smile. He sat in front of her as she slowly took her earbuds confused.

—Hello!— The male of light purple hairs had said at the female still with a wide smile on his face, the blonde meanwhile was still quite confused.

—I am Momota Kaito, I am friends with Saihara, I am the manager of the Cafe next door, nice to meet you!— The male said, and it seemed as the female's brain made something click.

—Oh! I recognize you now! Nice to meet you too!—She now had said with a soft yet polite smile. The male did the same.

—I noticed you through the glass, and I couldn't help but ask, is everything alright? You seemed quite down.— The male of light hairs asked, looking at the female quite curious, she seemed surprised.

—Oh it's nothing...—She said in an awkward manner, the male just nodded silently.

—I heard Kokichi and Saihara started dating, but I can't really believe a word that purple gremlin says..—The male said, in an obvious way trying to see the female's reaction, her expression became quite disappointed.

—I heard it from Saihara... They are official.— The female said in a low, sad tone, she didn't seem happy with the situation.

—Why do you seem bothered by it however?— The male said curious. He wanted to know exactly what the female was thinking and why she was acting in such an awkward way. He wanted to find out, and by that he needed for her to express herself.

—Do you really want me to say it?— The female said frowning looking at the taller male, which nodded in agreement, determined. She just sighed.

—I might seem selfish but, I liked, well, like Saihara. I have known him since we were kids, we weren't that close but we still knew each other, I hid my feelings for so long yet when a random flirty short purple haired kid came to his life he suddenly went all lovey dovey for him and it annoys me.— The female said, finally venting and opening up towards the purple haired boy, which was quite in shock.

—So it was that huh.— The male said looking at the female with pity, knowing that it must be hard for her to deal seeing the one she loves so much being with another person.

—Don't get me wrong! I respect and support their relationship completely, and I am happy for him but...— The female sighed.— I just wished things would go my way for the first time you know? Nothing really happens the way I want it to.

The male patted the girl's shoulder and gave her a warm kind smile, she just smiled back.

—Everything will be alright, I personally don't think they will last long, knowing how Kokichi.— The male scoffed carelessly , and the female chuckled awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

—I wouldn't like Saihara to feel sad, Saihara genuinely has an attraction towards the shorter male, and I hope things work out for them, even if I end up being hurt because of it.—The female stood up, she seemed annoyed, or bothered.—This conversation is over, it was a pleasure to meet you. Goodbye Momota.— And with that, the female speed walked out of the Library, leaving the purple haired boy with words in his mouth.

—Was I being disrespectful..?— The male said sitting there quite confused processing the fact that the female left him there.

—There is no way, Kokichi, he is dangerous for that relationship, and I would like to avoid Saihara to get hurt, she just being sensible.— The male said reassuring himself. His goal was final.

He was going to gather enough information, and tell the truth.

To be continued.

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