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The male couldn't think straight, he was panicking, he did not know what to do. it was over, everything was over, right? There was no way. He couldn't accept this, there was no way he could accept the fact that everything would be over. Maybe, maybe if he lied once more, he could fix everything, right? if he tried hard enough, he could solve everything, by lying once more, that's right! everything will be over, if he lied once more.

. . . r i g h t ?

The male sighed and rubbed his face, slowly going towards his hairs and then pulling, pulling as hard as he could. He was stressed out, overly stressed out, he did not know how things would go down anymore, as everything was not in his control anymore, he wasn't in control, which would be a sever issue for him. He sighed, as he rubbed his eyes and took his coat as well as checkered scarf, to then grab his phone and walk out, to then finally text Saihara.

"Sure my beloved! where would you like to meet?"

The male sent the messages he walked through the overly cold streets. There wasn't many people around, as the night was coming close. Like that he received a notification once more, it was Saihara, panicked, he took the phone with his cold hands, and read through the message.

"Wherever you want, preferable a cafe. This is important."

The male swallowed hard while looking at the message, his stomach feeling empty as he got more anxious by the minute. This was bad, really bad, if he slipped up once it would be over for him, everything he worked har for would go to hell. He still couldn't accept it. He was not going to be able to live with it.

—This will be fine! everything will be fine! Nothing bad will happen.... right?—The male asked himself as he hugged himself, continuing to walk through the snowy streets, there were some couples together, holding hands,, being sappy, having their hapily ever afters, it was christmas after all, everyone should be able to enjoy it. Not Ouma though, Ouma had to deal with the fact that if he made the wrong steps, th relationship he cared about the most would be over, everything he worked hard for would be over, he wouldn't have anything else, apart from himself.

The male found himself in front of a cafe, it was unrelated to the one he worked at. The male sighed as he walked in, a small bell ringing, he looked around and there was Saihara, his hairs were fixed as he was wearing a brown turtle neck and black dressing pants. His fashion had changed a lot since they started dating, he felt that it was just yesteday when the other wore the strong Hot Topic perfume as well as the dark makeup. He closed his eyes, he had never found himself praying until now, as he sat in front of the taller male, fidgeting with his hands as he looked at the taller male with the same eyes of a pup that just broke something by "accident" and did not want to be lectured.

—You might be aware of... Kaito showing me a quite ineresting conversation you two had.—The taller male said, it was obvious he was shaking as well, fully avoiding eye contact with the shorter male, it was obvious that none of them wanted to have this conversation, that neither of them wanted to end up needing to end this relationship.

—Hm? What are you talking about? I donn't know about any call.—The male lied, quite smoothly actually, he looked so calm and relaxed as his eyes were fully open anayzing everything aaround him, in reality he was super nervous, as the anxiety swallowed him whole.

—Huh- really? w-well if that's the case then... we don't need to have this conversation.—The talle male said with a sigh of relief, fully believing the shorter male's lie. At this moment he had remembered how easy it is to manipulate Saihara and make him do whatever he pleased, remembering the reason on why he even had started dating the taller male.
To benefit himself from the other's ovlibiousness.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now