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[K O K I C H I]

The male found himself on his bed, he had finally left Saihara's household, as he got to convince him that he was finally good alone. He lookedat is phone, it was around 7:00PM of the 20th of December. He was wearing the black hoodie he had stolen from Saihara at the start of the month. He sighed, he was supposed to meet up with Kaito some days ago, but the dae was changed to today's night as the othergot busy with personal stuff. Without too much to do, the male took a ponytail and tied  his hair back, after now four months without cutting it, his hair was quite long. He took long pants, boots, as well as gloves -it was insanely cold outside afterall- and without much else to do, he took his phone and walked towards the exit of his appartment. He looked behind him and sighed, his place was a mess, but he did not had time to complain, he needed to go get stuff done.

The male placed his earbuds on as he continued to walk through the busy, cold streets of japan. Many people panicked as they rushed from store to store, trying to find the perfect present or their beloved or even their close friends. It was obvious why however, christmas season was finally coming soon, and people needed to get their gifts quite fast. Kokichi was not worried however, he already had a special gift for his beloved, which he was planning to give to during christmas eve. After a few minutes, he found himself in the park which no longer was green but covered in cold, fresh snow. He was supposed to be meeting with Kaito not so far from here, and after a little while of searching, he finally had found himself in front of the taller male.

—So what did you need me fo Kaito-chan? hmmm?—The male said with a smug on his face. He was kind of tense, as he rocked his heels forwards and backwards. He couldn't understand why, but there was something about kaito's energy at that moment that just seemed....off. The shorter male however did not pay attention to it, and acted as if it was nothing.

—You never had the right to call me by my frst name, Ouma. Refrain from using it.—The taller mal growled, which just made Ouma roll his eyes as he placed his hands under his back, an uninteresed look in his face.

—Yeah yeah, why did you brought me here "Momota"?—The shorter male said in a petty, snappy tone.—It is cold, and I could be doing better stuff today.—The male said, in reality today was Saihara's free day, and he would have used it as a chance to be able to go visit him and hang out, sadly, he was technically threatened by the taller male into coming to talk with him today.

—I want to talk about your relationship with Saihara.—The taller male said sharply as the other one fully paralyzed. He did not know what to say, neither what to do. The question was so sudden it gave him a while to process. He blinked sligtly to then answer.

—Wh-what d-do you w-want to know?—The male said, cursing under his breath as he stuttered, the question was so sudden and he did not know how to answer, specially when this was Kaito.

The taller male of purple hairs came closer to the other, his hands on his pockets. Quite intimidated, the other took aslight step back, he was not sure of what to expect afterall.

—I want you to be honest with me.—The taller male said as the shorter one gulped. Are you being honest with your feelings towards Saihara?—The taller male asked, the shorter one paralyzed, a strong frown growing on his face. He did not know how to answer, the obvious answer would be "yes, i do." but for some reason, ords were not able to come out of his mouth. He couldn't talk, no matter how much he tried. Was he lying to himself all along? Is he insecure about something? He had no idea, then he remembered.
That scene.
The scene of his beloved being happy with someone else.

That was what avoided him to answer.

—So? Anything to say? Or was everything a lie?—The taller male questioned once more, making the shrter one snap out of it. He drew a grin on his face as he shrugged.

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