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[S H U I C H I]

"let's date."

That phrase echoed inside of his head as the shorter boy's eyes pierced through him. His heartbeat was way too fast as he played with his own hands to calm himself down, he could feel his cheeks becoming rapidly red but he still did not know what to say or do.

—so?— The shorter male asked looking at the taller male with a serious face. If you looked good enough you could see that the shorter male was nervous, as he was slightly tapping the table. The taller male just bit his lower lip, and after a lot of thinking, he finally answered.

—A-Alright.— The male said stuttering lowering his head as his face was pitch red, he could feel the other male coming closer.

—Really?— The violette asked, and the boy just nodded, he could feel suddenly how the shorter boy wrapped his arms around the taller male for a hug. He was surprised at first but hugged the shorter boy back afterwards, resting his head on top of the short boy's small head. It felt nice, the amount of feelings that went through him, it was like an small electric shock. It was no surprise however, the boy in front of him was the first person he ever actually dated him. The first person to ever ask him out.

However, what came next was what he didn't expect, as the hug came tighter, he felt how the shorter male took him by his own cheeks and brought him into a kiss. The meeting of their lips wasn't expected, but he liked it, as he slowly closed his eyes and followed it. The sweet taste of syrup that were still around the mouths of both males also made it quite enjoyable. Sadly, they needed to breathe, so they separated from the thing that made both of them realize the feelings they had for one another, that enjoyable feeling.

Saihara looked at the shorter male for a few seconds until he came to realization, blushing insanely, he didn't know what to say, neither how to react, he was completely paralyzed, as his face was red. He could hear as the violette laughed at the situation, and he just shyly looked away.

—You are so cute Shumai!— The shorter male said placing his own hands on the boys cheeks smiling. Seconds later, the shorter male hugged him again, Saihara embraced him, closing his eyes and hiding his face on the boy's head. He found comfort on this situation, and felt almost as crying, he never had found so much love before. For some reason, he felt complete with the boy.

He was scared of letting him go.

Days had passed, to be exact, around four to five days since they started dating. And those have been the happiest moments in the boy's life. At this moment it was around 10AM in the morning of a Friday. He was watering some plants with a smile on his face, it had been a long time since he had actually interacted like this with any of them, and gave him memories of before he had met the boy he was with at the moment. He was lost in thought, until someone else tapped his shoulder.

He turned around and it was no one else but Akamatsu.

—Hey Saihara! I have noticed you have been more smiley these days, did something good happened?— The female said following the boy as he went to water plants on a different side of the shop.

—Actually, something did happen, Kokichi and I, well, we are dating!— The male said with a slight blush on his face giving the female a warm smile, however, he saw how the female got somehow disappointed, her face wasn't the happiest one, but she didn't seem angry either.

She seemed...sad.

—Something wrong Akamatsu?— The boy asked curious and concerned at the same time, the female just gave him a sad smile.

—E-everything is fine! I am glad you are in a happy relationship.— the girl said awkwardly. Saihara knew something was going on, but he decided not to say anything about it and just smiled at the girl.

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