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Saihara found himself laying down on the floor of his bedroom, staring blankly at the ceiling. What the hell am I going to do now... Saihara thought as he covered his face, a long sigh coming from his mouth as he then ruffles his hair in annoyance. He swallowed hard as he looked away from the ceiling. Saihara was in nothing else but trouble, having now to go on a date with one he had lack of knowledge of, and the worst part of it was that his friend set him up to be seen as the one looking forward to it.

Maybe I should just cancel all of the plans this is such a waste of time... Saihara thought, as he sat up, just about to take a grip on his phone, to then leave it there, doing exactly quite the opposite of what he had told himself, a frown on his face as he could not bring himself to just grab the phone, text Ouma, and say the plans were cancelled.—I would just seem like an asshole...—He muttered to himself, covering his mouth as he thought about it, a stressed out groan coming from it as he just sat up from the floor and stretched, fixing his shirt as he walked towards his living room, turning his head towards where his indoors garden was located, a small smile plastered on his lips.

—I apologize for the inconvenience, you guys might be feeling disturbed for the sudden activity so late at night.—Saihara said, as he grabbed his spray, watering the plants in his living room, gently revising them for any type of issues they might have. Treating his plants always allowed him to clear up his mind, to find an answer to things he was not fully sure of, it was something he heavily enjoyed, both as a hobby, and as a career. Plants as a whole, just made him happy, and that was good enough for him.

—What should I do..?—He questioned, as he glanced at the plants that were in front of him, obviously not gaining any response from them, he sighed in disappointment. The male with nothing else to say left the bottle on the table and poured water in a kettle, to make it heat up for tea.

The male sat down on his living room, taking a random book from his shelf as he read it to pass time, an unamused expression covered his face, as he went from page to page, reading carefully.

It was a quite lonely night, not mooch was going on, it was just him, himself, and his plants, but if he was honest, this was just fine for him. Saihara enjoyed moments alone with himself, they were ones he treasured the most, and as a small, high pitched sound came from the kettle, the male calmly went to make himself his so very much deserved cup of tea.

Tomorrow, he would make sure to talk with the other, and explain the situation, clarify that his goals were not to be dating Ouma. Hell no, he was too busy, his mind was on other things that made him way too busy to be in a romantic relationship of some kind, it was just a waste of time in his eyes.

It was the next morning, Saihara found himself in bed, as a yawn came out from his mouth, as he stretched, his eyes closing shut, as he then ruffled his hair.—Another day, other opportunities... I wish.—Saihara said with a sight as he got out of his bed, rubbing his eyes and grabbing his glasses to then walk towards the bathroom.

After a few minutes Saihara was ready with his uniform on and a small ponytail as well, as he walked out of his room with a small smile, going towards the kitchen to then grab the spray bottle from the cabinets under the counter. He proceeded to water his plants like he always does, smiling softly, but not saying anything this time. —Let's try to change today, just a tiny bit.—Saihara said to himself as he placed the bottle away, and prepared himself cereal for breakfast. Finishing it up, the male grabbed his bags, and headed out towards the flower shop.

Arriving towards the Flower shop, Saihara stopped himself unconsciously for a second, glancing at the front of the café where Ouma worked. Without nothing to say, he just swallowed hard, and walked inside with a smile on his lips as he was greeted by his co workers.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now