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It has been already a week since Ouma decided to start taking care of Saihara, and he hasn't gotten any better. They went to the doctor's and as he had predicted, it was just some cold. Guess they haven't really actually done a good job. So at the moment he was having a full fever, while he was laying down and Ouma panicked.

— You are still having a fever?— The violette asked while coming closer to the bed, Saihara just looked at him serious, he didn't have the energy to get up, as his face was burning hot, and sweat slowly came down from his forehead.

—What does it look like Ouma?— The male had said with a weak, yet annoyed tone. The violette placed his hand on the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly.

—I will just call Akamatsu, again, and see if she can do something.— Saihara said grabbing his phone and dialing her. The male saw how quite disappointed Ouma looked, so he patted the boy's head, and went back to calling the blonde female.

—Saihara-kun? What's wrong? Are you feeling better?— The female asked from the other side of the line.

—Not really—  The bluette had said, to then chuckle. — Ouma is panicking again and I can't get up from my bed, could you come and give me some service?— The male questioned, he saw how the purple haired male had saddened.

—Of Course! I need to finish some stuff here at home, but I will get there in no time!— The female said fro0m the other side of the line, Saihara just ended the call there with a slight smile on his face to then place his phone away and look at the violette. The short male was sitting next to the boy, small eye bags under his eyes, and his skin paler than ever. His hair was tied into a ponytail and he was wearing one of the black sweaters that belonged to saihara, obviously, being way too big on him.

—You have done a good job, honestly, but I really want to heal now.— The male chuckled awkwardly, but the short male expression didn't change, he still looked disappointed. The male sighed, and held the short one's hand.

—Thank you for taking care of me.— The male said smiling softly, the short male just blushed lightly over the male's expression and stayed quiet. Then they heard the door open.

—Did you gave her a key?— The short male questioned looking at Saihara.

—I don't remember doing so..— The bluette said hearing the steps come closer to the door, just to reveal the blonde female of pink eyes.

—You left your door open.— The female said looking at the two males. Saihara glared at the shortest, which only laughed awkwardly.

—Anyways, what do you need help with?— The female asked placed her bags down.

—As you might now, neither me nor Ouma are decent cooks here. So, I don't know, I would like you to help us out with that, if you don't mind.— The blue The said awkwardly looking around. Ouma was quiet, he looked at the girl and then completely avoided her, as he felted how she glared at him.

—Alright then.— The blonde female exclaimed, with a slight smile on her face to then leave the room and go towards the kitchen, he didn't worry too much knowing that Kokichi had bought groceries to try and cook healthier foods, sadly it didn't end well and he was banned from the kitchen.

—She was glaring at me.—The violette said to himself, but Shuichi was still able to hear, which only made him sigh.

—She was not. Don't worry too much, ok?— The male said looking at the shorter boy which only crossed his arms. At the moment the room was quiet, The only things that could be heard where the boys' breathing and the air conditioner, to add up, the sounds that came from the kitchen. He could have asked Kirumi to avoid any inconvenience, but he felt the green haired female was going to be busy at the moment.

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