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—YOU WHAT?!?!— The blonde female exclaimed quite loudly from the other side of the phone, this made the violette get the phone out of his ear, knowing that the audio was gonna hurt his hearing.

—I-I don't know ok?? This wasn't supposed to happen, he was supposed to be kind of like my pet y'know?— The male said, to then sigh.—I didn't expect myself to fall for him, I don't even know why or how did it happen, it just did.— The male said, to then hear how the female sighed for her to then start laughing.—W-why are you laughing?!?

—Oh brother this is gold! Who thought that virgin was gonna top you that easily! What did he do? Kiss you on the cheek? God you are so weak!— The boy stayed silent, remembering the scene they both had in front of his household some minutes ago making him blush strongly.—Don't tell me...WAS THAT THE REASON YOU FELL FOR HIM?!? AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU AT LEAST WERE A SWITCH! WHAT A BOTTOM.—The female said laughing out loud, the male just stayed silent.

—Anyways man, so whatever you want to be honest. If you got a change of heart maybe that could be better. I don't think dating that boy might be half bad, I mean he has a nice body.— The girl giggled, Kokichi felt as his heartbeat became louder, and he gripped his chest with almost his entire force, he was aware of what was going on with him, and he wasn't that happy about it.

—Alright man my job here is done, see you on Tuesday.—The girl say to then cut the call before Kokichi got to say anything.

—what am I gonna do..—The boy told himself while covering his face with his hands, pressing down on his cheekbones and forehead quite strongly. He could hear his heartbeat being as loud as ever, and the scene that happened in front of his house couldn't be erased from his mind.

He didn't even understand why that scene had such an effect on him. He had been already with other males, and played with them the same way he had been trying to do with Saihara, he got bored of them, and "broke up." It was like a pattern for him, but he found it fun to play with them and their feelings that way. This time however, the bluette was able to take control of the violette's heart, and he didn't know why. He wasn't aware of why or how was Saihara even able to shoot him like that. It wasn't supposed to happen, it couldn't happen.
And then he remembered.
He remembered that Kaito also knew about his plans. And those were bad news.

His plan already failed, and now he might be wanting for an actual relationship with the other male, however, if they go too far, Kaito might think that Kokichi was finally going to achieve his goal and "ruin" his plan per say. This could end in two ways.
Saihara thinking that Kaito is a liar, and making Kaito de villain of the story.
Or Saihara believing Kaito, and not trusting Kokichi anymore with his feelings, destroying their relationship.

Obviously, the short male did not want that, he wanted to have a long relationship with Saihara, a relationship that maybe could last at leas a few months, maybe years maybe...

—Agh what am I thinking!?— He said to himself, slightly pressing the palm of his hand on his forehead.—I should go to sleep already, tomorrow will be a long day at the café.— The boy said, changing his clothing to more comfortable ones, and going to sleep.

The next morning came faster than expected, between the sunlight coming from outside and the loud sounds from the alarm, Ouma got to wake up, still tired. The short male stood up on his bed and looked around his room. As expected, he zoned out, and wasn't really thinking about anything. Then it hit him. He was going to see Saihara today, and he still didn't know how he is gonna act up the not so fact that "he didn't felt anything because of the childish kiss on the cheek."

The boy shook his head to then move his hands around his hair. He then proceeded to get up and starts his day, changing to his casual uniform that was impregnated by the smell of coffee, and which colors completely bored him out. You could say the dark strong green wasn't his favorite color, but he still didn't have a choice, he doubted that the flower shop needed anyone, and he also felt that their uniform was pretty stupid. The male sighed, and slightly fixed his hair, at least, he tried to, he didn't really have any interests on how people looked at him, after all, nobody really liked him at his work place, he was still surprised with the fact that he was not fired yet.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now