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A few days had passed since that encounter the male had with the blonde female, and even then, it felt, strange. For some reason Ouma starter to also slowly dstance himself, something that deeply worried him. He figured that the shorter male might have been able to see through him, which only meant bad news. He genuinely did not want to lie to him, but he still did so and he felt horribly about it, he genuinely did not know what to do to fix his own mistakes. He did not know how to start a conversation, say sorry or even find a good reason of why the shorter male should even think about forgiving him. The male just sighed, tired, and with that, the shorter male walked on him.

—God you look awful.—The male of purple hairs said looking at Saihara, it was the truth hoerver, his hair was a mess, he had eyebags under his eyes and his clothes were also a mess. The shorter male sighed, and sat next to the taller male, which looked as depressed as ever.

—Want to talk about it?— The shorter male said, a soft tone. The taller male looked at him for a few seconds, thinking if it would be a good idea or not, to then just nod.

Saihara sighed, not knowing how to vent to the shorter male, which just stared at the taller male. He was afraid you could say, the shorter male showed o emotion, he wasn't sure if it was because he was anxious, or because the shorte male was genuinely showing no emotion, but he couldn't see through him. He ouldn't tell what the other was thinking, if he wanted to be there, or if he at least wanted to try and listen to the taller male. Saihara swallowed heart, and pressng his eyes closed, he started to talk.

—Are...you mad at me?—The taller male questioned as he still avoided eye contact, he could feel that the aura of the room became more tense, as he gently opened an eye and saw the shorter one frowning. This had made him evn more anxious as he was not sure how the shorter one was going to respond.

—Why would you think that?—The shorter male questioned. Saihara bit his lip, as he already felt himself tearing up, if he hated something about himself it would be the fact that he would always tear up, specially when opening up ot talking about his problems. He looked at the other male, his eyes wide open trying to avoid tears from falling. It was stupid, he felt stupid.

—It's just that... Lately you have stopped talking to me... And I thought you w-were mad..—The male mumbled, as he lowered his sight and looked away.—I-It's stupid I will just leave it alone.—The male said, but just when he was about to stand up, he felt the shorter male wrap his hands around the other's waist. He gasped in surprise, just to turn around and look at the shorter one, tears build up on his eyes.

—I will never, and mean, never, be mad at you Shumai.—The shorter male said, his grip being slightly tighter, Saihara was suprised at first, just to turn around and embrace the other one without hesitation. They stayed in such position for a while, hugging each other and show each other love. It was quiet, the entire room was quiet, as they were alone.

—I am sorry....—The taller male muttered, the shorter one just shook his head as he continued to embrace the other.

—Don't be, it is not your fault at all.—The shorter male whispered, still holding each other close, refusing to leave each other's side.

[K A I T O]

It was finally the end of the day, the male was finishing up cleaning around, as he saw a peculiar blonce female walk inside of the cafe.

—Hey! Akamatsu!—The tall male exclaimed excitedly, leaving his stuff and going towards the female, a light smile on his face, meanwhile, the female seemed overly down. This had made the taller male worry, as he carefully placed his hand on the girl'sshoulders.

—Hey are you good? You seem as if you just got rejected.—The male pointed out, which made the girl sigh. She looked at the other with sadenned eyes.

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