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"Did you really thought I was your friend?"

"You are a complete freak! Bet you use that hat to look at girl's chests!!"

"Get away from me you edgy f*ggot."

No...wait...T-that's not-

"I don't think you even have the right, go obsess over flowers you weirdo."


Hot tears were rolling down the dark haired boy's eyes, as he sat up from his bed. It was a nightmare, all along, and even then, it felt as real as ever. He hugged himself, panicking, trying to comfort himself. The thought of everyone hating him, the thought of being alone, that terrified him. The thought of the people around him secretly hating him.
That's what terrified him the most.

After comforting himself for a while, he took a deep breath to then wipe of the wide pearls that were still falling from his eyes. He looked around, failing horribly because he was not wearing his glasses.

Quite clumsily, he got to take his glasses from the darkness and adjusted his vision with them. He got out of bed and turned the lights up, which thanks of the sudden change of scenery, blinded him for a while.

The boy walked around, placing foot on the cold floor inside of his home. He went towards the kitchen, and took one of the plastic, transparent cups, that he had placed inside one of the top cabinets. After taking said cup, he placed some ice on it, and filled it with water.

Rapidly, he swallowed quite aggressively the water, freezing his throat and insides in the process. He placed the now empty cup on the table aggressively, while he shut his eyes strongly. He felt how his heartbeat was now calming down, knowing that the panic attack was finally ending.

"I wonder what he is doing" The boy thought, while looking around, The sun hasn't come out yet, making him infer that it was around one through four AM in the morning. He went again towards his room and took his phone, and his guess was right, it was around two AM. He deleted the unnecessary notifications that filled his phone during the night, and placed the phone back on the night table. The boy cracked his neck, which was louder than what he expected, making him flinch as his own actions.

—So today is the day huh, I still have a lot of time left so I am not sure if I should go out before the "date."— Saihara said to himself in a low tone, he looked around for a second time, and went to look through his refrigerator. Said device was barely filled, only having milk, some vegetables, around three eggs, and butter. He usually didn't ate at home, so this really didn't affect him, but now that he had nothing to do, he thought it would be a good idea to go to a 24/7 grocery store, just to buy small things, after all, he legally could not cook anything that could be digested as lunch.

The boy sighed, he didn't change from his pajamas, after all, he doubted that he would find anyone at a grocery store at three in the morning. Knowing that it was decently cold outside, he took a coat and put on some white sneakers to then take: his phone, headphones, wallet, and finally keys to then proceed and leave his small household.

After a while of walking, he found himself at the almost empty grocery store and went inside. He took one of the small baskets, and went inside. Already there, he yawned covering his mouth with his left hand, he was already tired, after all, he didn't got his full nine hours of sleep. He pressed down his eyes and then proceeded to take the loaf of bread that was sliced into six, after all, he liked when the slices were thick, but at the same time he didn't wanted to run out of bread really fast. He took another two bags and proceeded to get some fruit. This ones were mainly berries, but he also got himself a small bag of apples.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now