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A few weeks had passed, and Saihara was already feeling brand-new. He found himself at work, it was a chill day. Not too many costumers, but not too little. He was finishing up with the last costumer and felt how someone else walked in.

It was no one else but Kokichi Ouma himself. His hair was slightly longer than before and his ponytail was slightly longer. Saihara found that cute, and slightly smiled when the male approached him.

—Good Afternoon Shumai! How is it going?— The violette exclaimed with a smile on his face. He was wearing his cafe's uniform, which meant he either just ended his shift or was picking up lunch.

—Nothing much, my shift is going to end in some minutes.— The male said finishing some things on the counter. The shorter one swung around as he pressed his fingers together in a shy way, pouting.

—If you don't mind.. Would you like to have lunch with me?— The violette said looking at the bluette, which lightly blushed at the comment.

—S-sure! I-I don't mind..— The male smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, the short male's expression changed from a shy one to a really happy one.
Way too happy.

The male just nodded, deep down he felt something was odd with his behavior, but he decided to ignore it.

—Perfect! Do you want to eat at the Mc Donald's down the street?— The shorter male smiled while looking at the bluette, which just nodded and finished up with what he was doing at the front desk.

—Let me get my stuff and I will be going with you.— The male said smiling leaving to the staff room, leaving the shorter one alone.

[K O K I C H I]

The male's face changed automatically the second the other one left, almost as if a switch was just activated. His face went serious, as if he was quite annoyed with himself.

—Crap... I seemed too happy.— the male said biting his thumb while tapping his feet. He wanted this to be perfect, and acting a bit too happy or a bit too down will put suspicion on him. And that worried him.

He saw the other male come back and he changed his personality once again, running towards him and grabbing his hand.

—Lets go!— The shorter male exclaimed with a wide smile on his fave while moving the bout around with him. Leaving the Flower shop and going to the fast food restaurant that was close to them.

Both males found themselves walking around the street swinging their arms as their stepping pattern was similar, same speed, and same pattern. The shorter male was having fun at the moment, but he knew he had to get himself pulled together if he wanted everything to go as planned.

After a while, they found themselves in front of the fast-food restaurant, and went inside, here they were greeted by an Albino of curly hairs, said one was around two to three inches taller than Saihara. He smiled.

—Welcome to McDonalds, my boss tells me not to be fancy, but this is still a restaurant, so I am still being fancy. I am Komaeda Nagito, hope you too have a gr-— The tall male wasn't able to finish his sentence because he was smacked in the back of the head by a tall male of tan skin and dark brown hair which just slightly bowed and left with the pale albino which just kept waving at the both males.

Kokichi couldn't help but laugh at the situation, which Saihara only gave a disappointed look. The purple haired boy shrugged it off and walked towards the mechanic menu. They order basic Cheeseburgers, a big pack of French Fries, and soda, and sat down.

—So, Shumai, how have you been feeling?— The shorter male asked, looking at the dark haired boy which was just scrolling trough his phone.

Saihara placed his phone down, and looked at the shorter boy giving him a warm smile. —Oh, uhm, I have been getting better, I think I am fully healed already.— The male said smiling awkwardly, Kokichi just giggled.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now