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Saihara woke up in the middle of the night in cold sweat. His heart was beating faster than normal, and he could feel chills running down his spine. It was becoming way more common than before. These nightmares, these feelings. They are coming back again as if he was living that moment once more.

The male got up and placed his feet on the cold floor under him, and walked towards the kitchen. His back arched, being in a bad posture. The male got a cup and filled with ice-cold water, drinking in one gulp. The male sighed, and looked around. He didn't felt well, it could be the fact that it was way too early in the morning. But it could also be the little sleep he has been getting. In between the late night calls he found himself in with the violette and the unwanted nightmares he has been getting day by day, his sleep has been lowered by an average of around three through four hours.

—I am just gonna tell Tojo-Sama that I won't be able to go to work today.— The male said pressing down the top of his nose the male sighed and went back to his bed, wrapping himself in between the sheets, it was cold outside, it was obvious, after all, it was soon to be winter. He wondered if the younger male liked snow, he would try to invite him to a park in middle of winter when he felt better.

The male woke up again, after finally getting some sleep again. He took his phone quite curious of what time it was, and as expected, it was still early. The male guessed that the green haired female was already awake, so he decided to give her a call even though it was considerably early.

—Saihara-kun? What brings you to call me so early in the morning?— The female exclaimed, she seemed to be preparing something by the background sounds, thug might have been breakfast.

—It's nothing, it's just that...I am not feeling well, I won't be able to go to work today.— The male exclaimed quite disappointed in himself.

—Ah! It's ok! I will have keebo-kun to cover up for you, I honestly still can't believe that's his actual name.— The female giggled from the other side of the line. Even though she couldn't see him, Saihara limites to a quite awkward and forced smile.

—Thank you so much Tojo-Sama, and I am sorry for not being able to take care of my own shop.— The male exclaimed still quite sad of his actions, he was going to leave his work partners do all the job while he found himself at home, but at the same time, he felt as if he would pass out if he worked more.

—Saihara-kun don't say that! You are the one that works the hardest between all of us. You aren't feeling well, it is completely ok that you are taking your time.— The female exclaimed, this time firmly and determined, basically telling the male that he was not doing anything wrong.

—Thank you, really, I will leave you alone now, have a nicer day Tojo-sama!— The male exclaimed, to then end the call, he looked at his phone, and placed it on the night table that was next of his bed. The male groaned and tried to go back to sleep, after all, he wasn't hungry and he should at least get more sleep.

[K O K I C H I]

The male found himself on front of the Flower Shop, it was Tuesday, meaning that he didn't have to go to work. However, something wasn't right.
Saihara wasn't inside the shop.

The male frowned obviously confused, the bluette worked on Tuesdays, but he wasn't there. Ouma decided to go inside anyways, and asked the albino of the prosthetic arm.

—Hey uhm, excuse me?— The male exclaimed patting the taller male on the shoulder which was only taller by barely two inches.

—oh yes? How may I help you?— The Albino exclaimed with a smile on his face, his eyes were blueish and his hair was fixed in a man-bun, no wonder his blonde friend was interested for him, he was actually really good looking.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now