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[K O K I C H I]

"Shumai~ Hey Shumai! Where are you?"

"Get away from me.."




The boy of dark purple hairs had suddenly waken up. His face was pale and his breath was short, as he tried to calm himself down. He found himself in an awkward position. Sitting up with his hand extended to the nowhere, as for some reason, his eyes teared up. He didn't know what cause him more pain inside of that situation, his plan failing, the words coming out of his beloved, or the saddened face full of tears that his beloved had.

Still shaking, the male tried to get out of bed, as he could feel the cold sweat droplets going down his neck and forehead slowly. He slides through the cold floor towards the bathroom.

Already there, he decided to get a bath, taking his clothes off, and sighed, he headed inside of the shower as he turned it on, he felt how the steaming hot water hit his face, relaxing his face muscles and slowly his entire body.

After a while, the male got off the shower, while drying his soaking wet hair, he looked at himself in the mirror, sighing. His eye bags have become more noticeable and way darker as the days passed, after all, testing days were coming inside of his classes and he barely payed attention. He wasn't about to repeat a year in college knowing that he won't have the money to pay for it, so he just prayed that he would be able to pass with no problems, while also studying almost all the time.

The male went back to his room and changed to a comfy hoodie he had stolen from Saihara last time he went to his household, and also put on some baggy pants. He tied up his hair, and went towards the living room. There he made himself a cup of coffee, and opened both his laptop and some books, and started another day of fully studying.

He didn't even remember the last time he met with Saihara at this point, it had been weeks, they mainly texted or saw each other at their jobs. He hasn't been able to visit him or have any type of date with him. The male swallowed hard at the bitter coffee, as he aggressively typed down answers and notes, and repeated words over and over again. If he has the money to just pay the class and have it again, he would be on his way to go and meet with Saihara, but that wasn't the case, and he personally didn't not like that.

After a while, he ended up grima I got and slamming his face into the notebook, he barely could understand anything that he was learning and the fact that his mind was only filled with his beloved didn't help either. After the dream he had woken up to this morning, he just wanted to see him even more.

The male decided to take his phone and text said boy, and at the same time, he heard his doorbell ring. With hesitation. He got up from the small dining table and walked towards the door opening it slowly. He then revealed the boy he wanted to see the most, Saihara.

—Good morning Kichi!— The boy of of dark blue hairs said at the door, he had a warm smile on his face, one of Kokichi's favorite expressions.

The boy of purple hairs gave the boy a tired smile and allowed him to walk in, there he noticed he was holding some pretty flowers, these ones were white. Kokichi couldn't help but feel curious.

—Hey Shumai, what re those flowers?— The boy asked, coming towards the taller one, this one turned around to face him.

—Oh! These are some Gardenias and White roses, nothing big, I thought I should give you a gift after all you have done for me..—The male said handing the bouquet to the shorter one, which blushed strongly towards the statement.

Flowers and coffee | Oumasai (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now