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[K A I T O]

The male was sitting on his dark room, rolling around on his computer chair as he was deep in thought. He was questioning whether or not he should tell Shuichi about the situation. He knew that it wouldn't benefit him saying anything, but he worried about the ways the shorter male would manipulate the taller male. He was so deep into thought that when his phone rang, he fell backwards from his chair. He rapidly got up and picked up the phone.

—Hey Makiroll, what's up?— The male said as if he didn't just almost snapped his back in half, he could only hear a growl from the female from the other side of the line.

—I told you not to call me that childish name.— The female said, but she didn't seem mad.

—Alright alright, I will stop.—Kaito just chuckled. —Why are you calling so late? Isn't it like twelve in the morning?— The male said figuring that he hasn't even checked the time.

—Kaito, it's five in the morning, you know I wake up early for walks. Did you even slept last night?— Maki asked, and Kaito paralyzed, He looked around and opened his window, and noticed that in fact, the sun was starting to rise, he cursed under his breath, and realized he stayed the entire night thinking and scrolling through his own social media, he went back to his phone, and cleared his throat.

—Don't tell me you didn't sleep at all.— The female said slightly annoyed, and the taller male just chuckled.

—Funny story.— He said laughing akwardly towards the phone, the female just sighed.

—I can't ask you to sleep now, your shift starts in two hours, would you be alright?— The female asked slightly calmer, the boy just nodded even though the female didn't saw him. somehow she understood that the silence was a yes, and ended the call.

The male sighed and looked up to the celing for a few seconds, starting to roll around with his computer chair again. Today was going to be a long day for the boy.

[K O K I C H I]

It was 8AM in the morning at this point, the male woke up and shut down his alarm, cracking his back, he figired that today he didn't have any morning classes, neither work to do. If he wasn't in the wrong, Shuichi doesn't have any work to do this day in the morning either. Today was his lucky day.

The male got up with more energy than usual and went towards the bathroom. He stared at the mess he was for a few moments, the consentration was mainly on his left eye, which was in fact, an orangish yellow color, instead of the grape purple his right eye was. Since he was little, he was quite self conscious of tha eye, so he hid it with a colored contact, however, this time he was in quite some trouble, because he slept with his contact on when he stayed with Saihara, and didn't took the lense out after waking up, AND decided to continue wearing the said contact the day after, his cornea was basically screaming in pain because of how irritated it was. The male sighed, he had two options, listen to his eye doctor and let the eye breathe, or keep using the lense until his cornea fell apart.

without hesitation, he choosed option two.

It hurted a lot, but the male ignored it and continued with his day, he wasn't going to let the taller male known about his heterochromia.

The short boy left his household and walked through the filled streets of the city they lived in. He bough some sweets inside of the convenience store, and went staright towards his beloved's household.

After a few minutes, the male finally arived towards Saihara's apartment, and without hesitation, he knocked on the soor, just to then rub his irritated left eye, just to make it worse. after some seconds, the taller male opened the door rapidly and saw the shorter male, he smiled for a while just for his face to become serious.

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