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[S H U I C H I]

The male finshed up with his work, he stretched his back as he finally placed the final touches to the plants, spraying them one last time before finaly closing the doors of the store for todays. With that, the blonde female, Akamatsu, came towards him, smiling as always. The taller male sometimes wondered how the female could be so cheerful.

—Hey Saihara! Shall we go now?—She questioned, still looking at the slightly shorter male with a soft smile on her face. The male nodded as he took his green rubber gloves off.

—Let me just put the gloves away and we will be good to go.—The male said, as he chuckled and went towards the back rooms. He took hus gloves and placed them away. He took his bag and wnt back outside, where the female was waiting.

—Sorry for the wait! I was just getting my stuff.—He said chuckling softly, scratching the back of his head, the female just shok her head.

—It's fine Saihara, really. Now, let's goo, I really want to hang out with you, it as felt like forever since the last time we hanged out alone.—The girl exclaimed starting to walk, the blue haired male followed behind her. He was completely fine, as th started to talk about random stuff together while they went to their destination. He didn't realize how long it had been since he had last talked with the feme in a calm way. But at the same time; he had completely fgotten about notifying the shorte male.

[K O K I C H I]

The male found himelf laying on Saihara's bed, moving around, as he unconsciously messed it p more than what it alread was. He was bored, of course, as he didn't have the physical energy to move around, but also had the necessity to at least go and do something.

—Man thisis boring.— The male exclaied, as he sat up and scratched the back of his head. He was still wearing his pajamas, which consisted of shorts and the oversized hoodie Saihara had given him a week ago. It was getting cold in Japan, as they were finally close to to chirstmas eve. The male wondeed if hewas going to do anything with Saihara, as he ight stay in his apartment for a while. With a groa, the male threw himsef back to the bed, covering his face.

—Would I even be able to get him a present? I don;t have any money and i am not getting paid through these days.—The male muttered, as he looked at the time again.

—His shift ended around an hour ago, why isn't he back?—He wondered, as he sat up once more, now leaving the bed.—It is decided, if he isn't going to come bck anytime soon, I'll go buy him something! He has given me a lot afterall.—He said determined, spriting towards the bathroom, and changing to more, pleasant, clothing. This consisted of a dirty pastel shade of purple and black jeans, as well as some black boots, checkered gloves, and a hood. It was cold outside afteall, he wondered if the taller male was wearing a proper attire to the weather.

Without thinking much, he took his phonee and the extra keys, then, he left the household, jumping around towards the park, as that was the fastest route towards a peculiar store he could get nice stuff from. He was excited to see what he could buy to the taller male. If he also proved that, maybe Kaito would leave him alone, he wasn't still going to admit defeat against that purple aired male however. H ewas stubborn, he would never admit defeat, neither go and ask to be forgiven or such. It wiuld make him seem vulnerable, weak.

The male didn't allow those thoughts to affect him however, as he started to now sprint towards the park, a snile on his face. The place seemed dry, as snow was also coming down. It felt nice.

—I wonder if Saihara would like to come with me later on.—He muttered as he picked up some of the snow, forgetting his actual goal. That was when, he had heard a familiar voice that mae him snap back to reality.

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