The Mafia's became a good boy Part 4

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After they left I went to my dad's room for a little talk, I knocked and went inside...

Y/n's dad: I knew you were gonna come listen..

Y/n (interrupting): dad why didn't you tell me anything thing???

Y/n's dad: honey listen I know this is hard but I don't have a choice, Taehyung's dad is a mafia, he brought this proposal at first I said no but he blackmailed me saying if I don't say yes he is gonna take our properties and gonna kill us, that's why I had to say yes..

Y/n:well that was not my question but sure, listen dad I know why you are doing this and I am ok with it cause you have done a lot for me so it's nothing...

Y/n's dad: I am glad that you are ok with it...

Y/n: ok dad I will go now, I have work tomorrow and I am tired...

Y/n's dad:ok and yeah this weekend you and Taehyung are going out so be prepared..


Y/n's dad: ok good night...

When I got out of the room I burst into tears and I thought that my life became a HELL..

Taehyung's P.O.V

When we came home, I was going upstairs and my dad called well at first I was kinda scared, he called me in his office and I went there...

V's dad: Taehyung come and sit, I know this is hard for you but have to do this.

V: Well can't really do anything about this and if I say "no" you probably gonna kill me and my mum so I have to say "yes"..

V's dad: don't talk to me like that son.

V: You have never seen me like your son, you have always used me, you don't really care about me, the only person cares about me is mum and Kai...

Then I left...

I went to my room, got changed and went to bed but then I heard someone was knocking on my door, I opened it and I saw my mum, she came in...

V's mum: listen son I am really sorry what your dad is doing to you, I can't do anything and if I do anything he would probably kill both us, I am really sorry son....

V: listen mum it's not your fault well its none our fault he is just using us...

V's mum: yeah that's what he did since he married me and I had you...ok anyways go to sleep and yeah this weekend up you are going out with y/n so don't make any plans on that day...

V: mum you are freaking kidding me, really now I have to go out.

V's mum: no I am not kidding now go to sleep son I will leave, goodnight...

V: good night mum....

Then she left but the thing was I couldn't sleep the whole night and I was only thinking of one thing.... Only about y/n.....

The Mafias Son Became A Good Boy || Taehyung || ffWhere stories live. Discover now