The Mafia's son became good boy Part 7

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Back to y/n's P.O.V

The next day i finished work and went to Nayeon's apartment and we were talking and i told her everything thing about the whole wedding and Taehyung thing...

Nayeon: I feel bad for you..

Y/n: don't, whatever I am doing is only for my dad. He is my everything , he did a lot for me, he even married that cruel women for me, I have to do this for my dad...

Nayeon: I have never seen a girl risking her life for her dad only cause she owes him....

Then i left....

Time skip...

Me and Taehyung used to go on dates very often but it was really awkward between us....

After couple of weeks, i was at work and i saw Taehyung with his friend (Kai) and I was the waitress of that table, i was really nervous and went the table...

Y/n:hi I am park y/n, today I am in charge of your table, what would you like to have today???

When Taehyung and Kai saw me they were really shocked cause they didn't know that i work there...

Taehyung's P.O.V

Today me and Kai went to a cafe and took a seat and then what happened we were really shocked, we saw y/n, at first we were kinda confused and then we found out that she works here and she was the in charge of our table, then she came and she seemed quite nervous towards us...

Y/n introduced herself...

Kai:what are you doing here???

Y/n: ummm I work here or else why would I introduce myself!!!

Kai: oh yeah that makes sense,will you take my order please??

Y/n:sure sir what's your order??

Kai:y/n please call me Kai you are soon gonna be my best friend's wife and by the way I am really sorry what I called you and your friend in the other day, like I am really sorry!!!

Y/n: it's ok "KAI" I forgive you..

While Kai and y/n were talking I was looking at y/n the whole time and i was kinda happy...

Kai:oh by the way my order is one small latte please..

Y/n:sure anything else Kai??

Kai:nope thanks...

Y/n: and what would you like to have sir....sir....sir

Y/n called me several time but i was DAYDREAMING...then Kai pushed me and i came in real life then y/n started laughing AND i got really embarrassed...

Y/n: what will you like sir???

V:umm I would like a umm a c-cappuccino please..

Y/n:anything else sir?

V: no thanks...

Y/n came back with our orders and left but the whole thing was again really AWKWARD, I mean like every time....

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