The Mafia's son became good boy Part 21

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Back to y/n's P.O.V

We came back from the lobby and the room was clean...

V: now it's time to mess the bed again...

Y/n: no you are not gonna mess the bed again...

V: guess what I am...

Y/n: if you do I swear to god I am not gonna let you sleep in the bed...

V: I know you are not gonna do that to babe...

Then he jumped in the bed and yeah he was sleeping in the floor

Time skip..

It was 3 am and I woke and saw V sleeping beside me...I woke him up..

V: huh what happened...

Y/n: what you doing here I said you are going to sleep in the floor, you are not gonna sleep in the bed...

Then he got up and I pulled his shirt and he fell on me and I whispered to him

Y/n: hey I know you don't wear shirt when you are sleeping, take it off and come let's go to sleep together..

He smiled and took his shirt off, hugged me and I hugged him back and we fell a sleep...

Time skip...

We came back to Seoul yesterday and today we are gonna go to se mummy and Wheein and I am really excited to go and see them after a long time...

We went to there house and I gave mummy a really long hug and then Wheein was a bit scared when it was her turn to give her hug and I gave her a hug and whispered to her..

Y/n:( thanks for packing my bag, if you didn't pack my bag I would have never realised that I look fine with short cloths too)

Wheein: really you are not mad at me??

Y/n: no I am not well I was at bit at first then I was really happy cause your brother helped me realise that, well I wear them at home I don't wear them when I go out...

Wheein: I am fine with that at least you are actually wearing them...

V: ok guys here are some gifts, y/n bought them

Mummy: thank you so much y/n but you shouldn't have bought them, it was your trip you should have had fun... And V why didn't you stop her..

V: I did but she didn't listen to me..

Y/n: yeah mummy he told me but you know I didn't feel like coming but without some gifts for you..

Wheein: ok whatever I really liked my gift and thank you so much...

Then she gave me a hug...

Then we had some fun, we had our dinner and today there, cause mummy wouldn't let us go without having our dinner after we finished eating we went to the living room as usual and we had some more fun, then we went home cause it was really late...

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