The Mafia's son became good boy Part 13

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It was the next morning, I woke and I wanted to do something for V since he saved me last night so I decided to make breakfast for him, I started making some waffles, egg and bacon while I was making he woke and came in the kitchen...

V:it smells really good, I wish I could have some today..

Y/n:well guess what it's all your I made it for..

V:really you made it for me...

Y/n: yes I did

He ran into the kitchen just like a baby and I realised I started liking him...

While he was eating..

I asked,

Y/n: umm V , from now on can I cook for you everyday???

V:sure I don't mind if you cook for the way thanks for making this, it's really good, you are good at cooking...

Y/n: oh shush I just made this, it's nothing...

Taehyung's P.O.V

I woke up this morning and I smell delicious waffles, eggs and bacon, I went to the kitchen and I saw y/n made some breakfast...

V:it smells really good, I wish I could have some today..

Y/n:well guess what it's all your I made it for..

V:really you made it for me...

Y/n: yes I did

I ran into the kitchen,

While i was eating..

Y/n asked,

Y/n: umm V , from now on can I cook for you everyday???

V:sure I don't mind if you cook for the way thanks for making this, it's really good, you are good at cooking...

Y/n: oh shush I just made this, it's nothing...

Then I noticed in y/n's neck there was a cut..

V: what is in your neck??

Y/n: oh it's probably from last night, probably that guys used his nails to cut..

V:did you put anything???

Y/n:umm no I couldn't find the first aid box last night...

V: are you stupid have you seen how bad the cut is??Wait here I will bring the box...

Back to y/n's P.O.V

V asked me about my neck cut and I told him that I couldn't find the first aid box then he went to his room and got the box, he came were I was standing then he started to put some antiseptic cream, it hurt..

I groaned

V:does it hurt??


We were so close we looked into each other's eyes then he kissed me and I kissed him back and I felt really good I mean the kiss was amazing then I broke the kiss, I mean how long can a kiss go for??

V:listen we need to talk, I have kept this a secret from everyone that I really love you❤️❤️and today I am gonna apologise to you about for being an ass and what I did called you or what I did in the first day when we met, I am really really sorry and will you please forgive me and can we start this again like from the beginning???

The Mafias Son Became A Good Boy || Taehyung || ffWhere stories live. Discover now