The Mafia's son became good boy Part 12

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Then we left....

Time skip..

It's been a month that I got married but me and V, we barely talk, we live in separate rooms he cooks his own food I cook my own food, it's basically we are roommates but we are married...

I was sick of it so I decided to go to a club at night, I quickly got changed and went to the nearest club, I was having fun by myself but then I drank too much but at least now I am sober then I realised a guy was looking at me the whole time and I had a bad feeling so I decided to call someone, it was quite late at night so that means Nayeon was a sleep then I had to call V..

V: hello,

Y/n: hey will you please come and pick me up a guy is following me and I don't think I can come home by my self

Then the guy pulled out of the club I started crying while I was talking with V

V: hello, hello where are you.....y/n I am coming....

The guy tried to take me to his car but then I fell in the ground and I opened my eyes and I saw that V was there and he was punching the guy and it looked like he was gonna kill him, I quickly got up and stopped him...

Y/n: V , V stop or else you are gonna kill him stop and let him go (I screamed)

Then he stopped and the guy ran away .We both went to his car and it looked like he was really angry, while we were going home it was silent the whole time so I decided to break the silence...

Y/n: thank you for saving me

V: at first tell me why were you out at this late, you know how dangerous it is...

I couldn't find any words to answer him then we both were silent again and this time I didn't try to break the silence...

Taehyung's P.O.V

It was late at night and I was awake in my room and I got call from y/n I was really confused that why would she call me from the other room but picked it up cause I had a bad feeling..

V: hello,

Y/n: hey will you please come and pick me up a guy is following me and I don't think I can come home by my self

I heard her crying...

V:hello, hello y/n I am coming...

I quickly got up took my car keys and I didn't know we're she was so I decided to go to the nearest club and guess what I found her there but a guy was taking her in a car, I was really angry I quickly got out of my car and got there and I started punching him, I just want to kill that b*stard then y/n got up and stopped me...

Y/n: V , V stop or else you are gonna kill him stop and let him go (She screamed)

And I stopped I was really angry and the bastard ran away then we went to my car, I was driving home and then...

Y/n: thank you for saving me

V: at first tell me why were you out at this late, you know how dangerous it is...

But she didn't answer me...

We got home, I straight went to my room I was really angry that I fell a sleep...

Back to y/n's P.O.V

we got home and V straight went to his room and I went to my room, got changed and went to bed 

The Mafias Son Became A Good Boy || Taehyung || ffWhere stories live. Discover now