The Mafia's son became good boy Part 8

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Back to y/n's P.O.V

Time skip.....

This was the most important day for me in my life, Nayeon entered the to see my in a beautiful brides dress...

Nayeon: oh my god y/n, you like a princess well more than a princess!!

Y/n: thanks (deeply sighs)

Nayeon: you ready to go??

Y/n: yes.

We went out of the room and we saw my dad,

Y/n's dad: look at my princess, you look beautiful..

Y/n: thank you dad(trying not to cry)

Y/n's dad:then let's go..

We went outside the church and the door opened and i saw a handsome boy waiting for me....

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was standing and suddenly the door of the church opened and everyone turned a Beautiful girl who was in a bridal look and it was y/n , suddenly i felt really happy...

She then made her steps to me as she reached to me she stood in front of me....

Back to y/n's P.O.V

I went and I stand beside Taehyung and the priest starts reading....then the priest asks Taehyung...

Priest:Kim taehyung do you take Park y/n as your life partner and you are gonna be there for her in a bad or good time, if you do say 'I do'

Taehyung becomes silent for a bit and then,

Taehyung:(sighs) I do!

Priest:Park y/n do you take Kim Taehyung as your life partner and you are gonna be there for him in a bad or good time, if you do say 'I do'

Y/n: (she takes a deep breath) I do!

Priest:Taehyung you may kiss the bride...

Taehyung kisses y/n

When Taehyung kissed me, my tears came out and we heard everybody applauding....

Taehyung's P.O.V

When I kissed y/n i felt really happy and that's the time when i realised something....

I heard everyone applauding.....

The Mafias Son Became A Good Boy || Taehyung || ffWhere stories live. Discover now