The Mafia's son became good boy Part 25

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Time skip..

It's been 2 years that I got pregnant and now I have a son and a daughter they are two years old they are twins, well V wanted a girl but luckily we have both and my best friend Nayeon is gonna get married with Kai in 2 weeks and they came over to us to hangout...

Y/n: Jae and Yun give me your bottles I will wash them and give milk...

My son's name is Kim Jae-min and my daughter's name is Kim Yun-min

Kai was sleeping in the couch...

V: children do something funny to your uncle and Kai...

The kids were playing in floor they got up and went to Kai and Jae took his pacifier out and put it in Kai's mouth and he started sucking it, three of us couldn't stop but we laughed really hard and he got up and he was still sucking the pacifier, then Yun took the pacifier out of his mouth and said

Yun: yuckyyyy

Then Kai realised that he was sucking the pacifier...

V: so you guys excited for your wedding?

Kai: yeah I am but like I am also nervous...

Y/n: I had to wait 2 years to be a bridesmaid, but finally I am really excited...

Nayeon: you waited 2 years and now you have to wait 2 weeks

Y/n: yeah

Then Jae and Yun called Kai and Nayeon to play with them and they love playing with them too. Me and V were sitting together...

V:hey babe wanna have some fun tonight??

Y/n: no go away I have 2 kids to take care of...


Y/n: babe can I ask you something?

V: yeah go on!

Y/n: do you still think that I look the same like when you first met with me??

V:what kind of question is that, listen honey, when I first met you I thought you were beautiful, I still think that you are beautiful and I will always think that your beautiful..

I couldn't stop but smile..

Then he kissed me

Yun: dada kiss me

Jae: mummy kiss me

And I got really embarrassed and Kai and Nayeon were laughing....

Time skip...

Kai and Nayeon left, the kids fell asleep and we put them in there crib, when we came out of their room V carried me in bridal style and he said

V:you know the kids were saying they want a new sibling,

Y/n:babe they can't even speak...

V:we have protection right?

Y/n: yeah why?

V:then let's go....

My family is everything to me now, and I really love them💜❤️💜

The End

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