The Mafia's son became good boy Part 10

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V left and i took a shower , got changed and went to bed, in no time i fell a sleep....

Time skip....

It was 3am and i woke up hearing a sound, it was the window and i tried to close it but it was to hard , i gave up and went to bed, i tried to go to sleep but i couldn't and i was REALLY REALLY scared of the sound, then i decided to do what i had to do......

I got up from the bed and went out of my room and i tried to find V's room and i went to the room and he was sleeping, i went closer to him and saw him sleeping like a baby.....

Y/n:(awwww he looks sooo cute, wait what did I just say no no no. No y/n you didn't think he is cute, now I should wake him up) V....V....KIM TAEHYUNGGGGG.....

V woke up in a karate move

V: Jesus Christ stop screaming,what's wrong now let me sleep....

Y/n: the window is making noise and I am scared, will you please close the window I tried to close it but it won't...


We both went to my room and v closed the window and he left.....

Taehyung's P.O.V

I woke up and i realised it was quite late and i went to downstairs to have some breakfast, and I thought y/n was gonna be there but she was not there well i was kinda worried for her, then i went to her room and saw her sleeping then i was relieved...

I went inside and i saw she was sleeping like a baby and i found it really cute and my heart melted......

Then i went downstairs and i was having breakfast. I was having cereal a.k.a coco pops.... While i was eating i was on my phone and y/n came downstairs..

And she was having her breakfast too well she also had cereal and she was sitting in the kitchen counter and meanwhile i was done eating and came in the kitchen...

V:ummmm y/n.

Y/n: yes...

V:umm tonight we are going to my parents house for dinner so be prepared..

Y/n: ok and thanks for closing the window last night...

V:oh it's fine......

Back to Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up and went downstairs and saw V having his breakfast. I went to the kitchen and I got some cereal and sat at the kitchen counter then v came in and told me that we were going to his parents house tonight for dinner...

Time skip...

We both were in our own room for the whole time then finally evening came and it was the time to go to the dinner...

I got up and started getting ready, i wore a black long dress which suited me really nicely...(well I think) While i was doing my makeup like in the last bit i heard a knock on my door, when i opened the door i saw V....

V:ummmm are you ready, we are running out of time it's almost 7PM

Y/n: just a minute i will quickly put on my earring then I am done...

I quickly put on my earrings and wore my black heels and V was still waiting for me then we went downstairs, went to the car and went to his parents.... It was huge house like a bungalow, we went inside..

His parents were really nice...

The Mafias Son Became A Good Boy || Taehyung || ffWhere stories live. Discover now