The Mafia's son became good boy Part 14

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V:listen we need to talk, I have kept this a secret from everyone that I really love you❤️❤️and today I am gonna apologise to you about for being an ass and what I did called you or what I did in the first day when we met, I am really really sorry and will you please forgive me and can we start this again like from the beginning???

Y/n: I knew this day was gonna come, I mean I didn't know how I started having feelings for and I love you too❤️❤️

I start crying...then he hugged me

V:why are you crying for???

Y/n: cause I am happy...

V:(chuckles) you know you look cute when you cry too!!

Y/n: oh shush and yeah you asked me will I forgive you no won't,


Y/n:I wasn't finish yet, I will if you take me on date like real couples...

V: really then ok, y/n will you go on a date with me??

Y/n: yes I will

Then he kissed me again....

Taehyung's P.O.V

I kissed her again and it felt really good then she broke the kiss

Y/n: ok now let me quickly tidy this up then I will get change then we will go out..

V:ok how about I help you and it's gonna be fast go we can go out quickly...

Y/n: (chuckles) fine!!!

We quickly finished tidying up the kitchen and I went to my room to take a shower and y/n went to her room to get changed, then I took a shower and I came out with my towel wrapped around my waist and suddenly y/n came in my room, I looked at her and she was blushing like a tomato I mean her cheeks were soo red...

Back to y/n's P.O.V

we finished tidying up the kitchen and I went to my room to get change, then I thought it's gonna be cool if we wear same coloured cloths, that's why I went to V's room and I saw him came out of the shower and I swear I didn't know he was gonna take shower and he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet and his ABS my eyes were blessed and happy he looked really really sexy and I think I was blushing too😳😳😳

Y/n: I-I am r-really sorry I will come later...

V:it's fine what's up?


Then I quickly ran out of his room and went back to my room then after like 5 minutes he came HE KNOCKED MY DOOR he is not like me...

V: hey you need anything??

Y/n: first thing I am really sorry I didn't knock the door like I am really sorry..

V: babe it's fine I mean y/n it's fine you just saw me without shirt not without pants(in a seductive way)

And again I blushed

Y/n: just shush And it's fine it you call me "babe" I mean c'mon babe...

V:ok you didn't tell you need anything??

Y/n: oh I went to your room to ask you if you wanna were same coloured cloths I mean if you want I am not saying you have too??

V:you know that's actually a cool idea, let's were black cloths just like we wore on our first date, you wore black ripped jeans,black hoodie and black sneakers and maybe some light makeup...

Y/n: you remember what I wore thats so sweet and sure that's actually a really good idea as you said we are gonna start from the beginning..


Y/n: ok now get out I need to get change and you go and get change too..

V:ok ok.

Then he left and I wore black hoodie, black ripped jeans and black sneakers and some like makeup just like our first date, then I went downstairs and I saw him just like the way I saw him in our first date black jeans, black hoodie, black sneakers and fob chains like always and he looks really cool...

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