The Mafia's son became good boy Part 18

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Time skip...

Well their date went well now they are officially dating I mean it's been two days what do you expect and tomorrow we are going Hawaii and I am super excited and y/n still doesn't know that we are going to Hawaii. Shhhhh don't tell her...I am pretty much sure she is gonna like Hawaii, I have booked the hotel and the tickets of course ages ago....

Back to y/n's P.O.V

Tomorrow we are going on our honeymoon and I still don't know where we going but hopefully it's a nice place and Wheein packed my suitcase and I have no idea what cloths she have putted in I mean she didn't even take my clothes, hopefully nothing bad...

Time skip....

Next day and we are in the airport and guess what we are going to HAWAIIIIIIIII, we waited for a long time...

We got in to the plane,the plane took off and it was a really long journey and I didn't realise that I fell a sleep in V's shoulder...

Taehyung's P.O.V

finally we are going on our honeymoon and we went to the airport and I told y/n that we are going to Hawaii and when she heard it she was sooooo excited basically she freaked out....

We got into the plane and it was really long journey and y/n fell asleep on my shoulder and looked really cute I mean she is the cutest thing I have ever seen she is always cute....

After 15 hours we finally landed to Hawaii, we got our luggages,took a cab and went to our hotel,the hotel was really nice,we went to our room and there was only one room and that means y/n and I are sleeping together😏😏😏

Back to y/n's P.O.V

WE FINALLY LANDED, we got our luggages and then we went to our hotel, the hotel was really nice but the thing was there was only one room that means we have to sleep together and it's gonna be our first time sleeping together...

We went to our room and V was laying down in the bed on his phone and I decided to go and get change and V already got changed(we have different luggages) I went to our bathroom and took my luggage with me, when I opened it I saw that Wheein didn't give any long trousers and all of them were shorts, even there were no long jeans then I searched for night suit and guess what she gave me the smallest night suit. I think this was the smallest night suit in the store then I remembered that I told her that I don't like wearing shorts, you are kidding, well I didn't had any choice I had to wear that night suit then I went back in the room, V looked at me and HE STARTED LAUGHING🙄🙄 and I was super embarrassed and also he knows that I don't like wearing short cloths....

Y/n: stop looking at me like that you perv...

V: I can see you are not in a good mood (he started laughing AGAIN)

Y/n: shush ok now I am tired I will go to sleep

I went to the bed and I laid down and I turned in the others way...

Taehyung's P.O.V

I got changed and I was laying down in the bed on my phone and then y/n came out of the bathroom but she was wearing completely different what she wears then I remembered that Wheein packed her luggage, well she was wearing a short night suit and I couldn't stop laughing😂😂😂

Y/n: stop looking at me like that you perv...

V: I can see you are not in a good mood (i started laughing AGAIN)

Y/n: shush ok now I am tired I will go to sleep

She came and laid down in the bed and she turned in the other face.. Then I rest my arm on her stomach, I was kinda far away from her then she hold my hand and I thought she was gonna move but instead she pulled me closer and said

Y/n: mind coming closer to me??

And I hugged her, she smells really good....

Back to y/n's P.O.V

I laid on the bed and I turned around the other side of de the I felt someone's hand was resting on my stomach, it was V, I hold his hand pulled him closer to me...

Y/n: mind coming closer to me??

Then he hugged me tighter it felt good...

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