The Mafia's son became good boy Part 6

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I went Kai's apartment and we were talking then I finally decided to tell him the whole wedding thing...

V: so listen dude listen can I Tell you something???

Kai: BRUV you tell me everything, you don't need to ask me.. What's up???

V:so remember that girl from the other day we were following and I got in a fight well we were arguing..

Kai: yeah..... I remember!!

V: remember that day I was I hurry to go somewhere and I left early..

Kai: bruh come to the main point and yeah I remember everything so stop asking me and say everything..

V:ok so I went home and my mum and dad said that we were going to see a girl for me and I am gonna get fucking married to her and I was really angry at them but you know I can't do anything against my dad or else he is gonna kick me out..

Kai: Hold on so that means your gonna get MARRIED and you didn't fucking tell me, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME (pretends to cry)...

V: sorry dude I didn't tell you I was kinda busy these days..

Kai: no worries. By the way congrats!!!

V: I don't think you are gonna like the next part, but thanks anyways

Kai: what do you mean???

V: well guess who I am gonna get married with??

Kai: who will is the lucky girl dude????

V:it's Y/n...

Kai: I don't know her who is she???


Kai: what the fuck...

Back to y/n's P.O.V

I got home and i was kinda tired, I straight went to my room. After I got changed I sat on my bed and I was on my phone and I heard a knock on my and it was dad and he came in...

Y/n's dad:you sleep y/n??

Y/n: no dad c'mon sit, what's up??

Y/n's dad: nothing much at first tell me how was your date with Taehyung??

Y/n: to be honest with you, it was really AWKWARD, like we didn't talk much and he seemed quite nice and yeah that's all...

Y/n's dad : it's fine everything will be fine, it was the first time so don't worry honey,and you look tired you should go to sleep you have work tomorrow right??

Y/n: yeah and dad can I go with Nayeon tomorrow at her apartment for a bit, I won't take long I promise please???

Y/n's dad: ok and be safe... Ok now go to sleep , Goodnight sweetheart!!

Y/n: thanks, ok dad good night...

Then dad left and i got ready to go to bed but the thing is i couldn't sleep the whole night and i was thinking about V the whole time....

Taehyung's P.O.V

Kai: are you serious bro!!!

V: mmmhhhmm I am and don't have a choice. And I came here from the 'date' that me and y/n went and guess what? It was super fucking AWKWARD...

Kai: you went to a date with her you didn't tell me, well you didn't tell me anything so that makes sense...

V: I tried to speak to her but every time She finished the conversation...and I had a feeling and what is good but I don't know what it is...

Kai: well you know what is best for you,

V: hmmm

Kai: hey I am hungry, let's order some pizza..

V:ok I am hungry too....

We ordered our pizza then we ate the pizza by talking and watching tv

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