The Mafia's son became good boy Part 5

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Back to y/n's P.O.V

time skip....

The weekend came, that means the date, I was really nervous well I got changed into a black hoodie, black ripped jeans and black sneakers (as I said I hate wearing short clothes)and some light makeup then I went downstairs and I heard a honk outside of my house when I opened my door I saw Taehyung With his car,was kinda confused then my dad came...

Y/n's dad: what's up y/n why you not going???

Y/n: dad why is he here for??

Y/n's dad: don't be silly he came here to pick you up..

Y/n: I thought I was going by myself but ok never mind...

Y/n's dad: ok honey have a nice date...

Y/n: thanks bye dad..

Y/n's dad: bye honey....

I went to the car and I went inside....

Y/n: hi...

Taehyung:hey, you ready to go?

Y/n: yeah I am ready...

Taehyung: ok Then let's go...

We left.....

Taehyung's P.O.V

Today was the day I was going on a date with y/n, I was gonna pick her up, I quickly got changed,did my hair and well I had to pick y/n... When I went to her house I honked and she came out with a really confused face then I saw her dad coming out and they were talking for like 2 minutes then she came in the car....

Y/n: hi...

V:hey , you ready to go?

Y/n:yeah I am ready.....

V: ok then let's go....

Time skip....

When we reached the cafe, we ordered our drinks and found seats, well we were not talking but I wanted to break the silence....

V: so how you doing????

Y/n: not much, how about you Taehyung??

V: V...please call me V , everyone calls me V and to be honest I don't like someone calls me "Taehyung"...

Y/n:(chuckles) sure "V", so how are you doing V???

V: not bad I am good...

Y/n: well that's good...

Awkward silence.....

Well that was our end of conversation then we left, i dropped her of to her place and I decided to go to Kai's apartment cause we haven't met since the day what happened with y/n and he doesn't know ANYTHING about y/n and the wedding thing....

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