The Mafia's son became good boy Part 15

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Y/n: I-I am r-really sorry I will come later...

V:it's fine what's up?


Then she left the. I got changed into normal cloths I wear at home and went to her and knock the door and went inside..

V: hey you need anything??

Y/n: first thing I am really sorry I didn't knock the door like I am really sorry..

V: babe it's fine I mean y/n it's fine you just saw me without shirt not without pants(in a flirty way)

And again She blushed like a tomato...

Y/n: just shush And it's fine it you call me "babe" I mean c'mon babe...

V:ok you didn't tell you need anything??

Y/n: oh I went to your room to ask you if you wanna were same coloured cloths I mean if you want I am not saying you have too??

V:you know that's actually a cool idea, let's were black cloths just like we wore on our first date, you wore black ripped jeans,black hoodie and black sneakers and maybe some light makeup...

Y/n: you remember what I wore thats so sweet and sure that's actually a really good idea as you said we are gonna start from the beginning..


Y/n: ok now get out I need to get change and you go and get change too..

V:ok ok.

Then I went back to my room and got changed into black jeans, black hoodie, black sneakers and fob chains like our first date and then I went downstairs and I was waiting for her, then she came then we went on our date, it was not like our first one the one we often went it was completely different. We talked I made her laugh we hold each other's hands and it just like the way I wanted then we went in a restaurant to have our first dinner, we ordered our food and we were talking...

V:hey it's been like 2 months that we got married and you know we missed something out??

Y/n: what did we miss???

V:I think every married couples go to honeymoon but we didn't so I thought why don't we go to honeymoon...

Y/n: you sure about that??

V:ok then I am gonna surprise you and guess what we are going on our honeymoon next week...

Y/n: babe don't rush...

Then our food came, we ate and went home and at night we both watched a movie and it was really fun....

Back to y/n's P.O.V

we had our dinner and went home it was such a fun day and this what I wanted in my life... Then we start watching a movie, we finished it and went to bed well we were still in separate rooms but yeah I still like it....

The Mafias Son Became A Good Boy || Taehyung || ffWhere stories live. Discover now