The Mafia's son became good boy Part 22

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We went back home and we both said good night to each other and then I wanted to follow V to his room but I turn to be facing him again I guess he had the exact same idea as me he is so cute

V: you know lets go to my room I have bigger bed than your..

Y/n: yeah let's go...

We went his room and I laid down in the bed, he took his shirt off and laid down beside me and we both hugged each other and fell asleep...

Time skip...

I moved in to V's room and we live in the same room, today we are going to my dad's house I have been there only once since we got married, so that's why we decided to go to my dad's house...

Taehyung's P.O.V

Y/n moved in to my room of course I love that idea, today we are going to her parents house, we have been there only once since we got married that's why we are going, we went there for dinner...

We reached there in the afternoon and y/n's dad was really happy when he saw us together..

Back to y/n's P.O.V

Y/n's dad: so how are you guys doing, I heard you guys went on a honeymoon?

Y/n: yeah dad we had fun

Y/n's dad: so where did you guys go??

V: we went to Hawaii...

Y/n: yeah he surprised me..

Y/n's dad: well that's really good to hear...

Y/n: how is your health dad, are you having your medicines regularly??

Y/n's dad: yes honey I am having my medicines and my health is good

Then someone came in the living room..

???:sorry guys am I late?

Taehyung's P.O.V

we were in the sitting room and a guy came in but u don't know who he was

Y/n: oh my god kookie when did you come back from Busan...

???: yesterday, I came to surprise you...

Y/n: V this my younger brother Jungkook

V: I didn't know you have a brother but anyways,nice to meet you man..

Jungkook: nice to meet you too.

Y/n: why didn't you come to our wedding?

Jungkook:sorry guys I couldn't attend your wedding.. It was my exam time and I

couldn't leave, but now I am back forever...

Jungkook is a really cool guy he is really we were talking the whole time.. I really liked him..

Time skip after 20 minutes...

Back to Y/n's P.O.V

When I saw V and and Jungkook were getting along, I was really happy, then our dad called us in the living and said it was important...

Y/n's dad: y/n and Jungkook I don't know how long I am gonna survive but before I take my last breath I want to give my properties to two and I am gonna divide it in two..

Y/n: dad please don't say you are gonna die I don't like these when you say it..

Jungkook: yeah dad y/n is right please don't say these kind of stuff...

Y/n's dad: ok guys lets go to the main point, so Jungkook I am gonna give you the house that we are living in now so you can live here for the rest of your life with your wife and kids and y/n I am gonna give you the other house that i own so you guys can live there when you guys have child, now tell me are guys ok with that??

Y/n: I am totally ok with that.

Jungkook: I am also ok with this decision and thank you dad for giving this house...

Y/n's dad: I am glad that you two are ok with this decision...

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