Chapter 8

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When we get back in from the snowballm fight I immediately get changed. (Outfit on the side).

I sit on the sofa and warm myself up in a blanet while I wait for the boys.

I switch on the TV and flick through the channels. I stop on the news when I hear 'One direction'.

"We have recently received more news about Nialls sister, Ella" The lady with short brown hair says.

"Boys! Get in here! I'm on the news!" I pause the TV until all the boys are in.

"We have received pictures of the nineteen year old with the band members" It changes to the pictures that were taken yesterday.

"That one of me and you is cute Ella" Niall smiles, I nod my head and smile back.

"And it looks like Ella might have gotten a little close with member Zayn Malik" She takes me by surprise, I look at the TV and the picture of me and Zayn comes up.

My eyes go wide and my feet seem to have taken me to standing up.

"What!" I shout at the TV.

The rest of the pictures of me and Zayn come up and I'm screaming words at the TV.

I tug hard on the roots of my hair in frustration. "Crap!"

"Ella it will be okay, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this" Harry coos. Me and Harry have gotten quite close and I know this sounds cheesy but he's my Gay best friend.

"No, my mum and dad are goi- boys at my scho- toms gonna think tha- uuurrrgggghhhh!" I scream in frustration.

My phone starts going off in my pocket. Text messages off people in my school, they say the news then. But theres one that stands out, from tom. I open the message and its a sad face with a text that makes me cry.

*Thought you liked me, I was going to ask you to prom, I see your taken now though :(*

I throw my phone onto the couch and storm into my room.

I throw myself onto my bed and drown in tears.

I can't believe this has flicking happened. Infact, how did this happen?

I get up off my bed and go into the front room where the boys are looking at my phone.

"What are yous doing?" I ask.

"Looking at your texts" Liam responds.

"Excuse me! Who's tom!" Niall glares right into my eyes. I snatch my phone off him.

The door bursts open and Simon has a worried look on his face.

"You!" I point my finger at him. "This is all your fault! I just lost my prom date and my potential future boyfriend because of you"

"Im sorry I-" He starts but I cut him off.

"No! This is all messed up, I told you I needed time to think about it but you went and did it anyway!" Im raging by now.

"The wrong photos got sent, we weren't supposed to send those photos, it was an accident" He looks really sorry.

"Ok, I suppose I'm Zayns girlfriend now" I shrug.

"Yes, you will both have to come with me to sign some things first, uhm, you can't tell anyone that this isn't a real relationship by the way" He tells me with a stern look on his face.

"But then-" I sigh. "Fine!"


I take a seat on the leather arm chair next to Zayn who hasn't said a word.

I read through the papers and sign them. Zayn does the same and Simon gives us a great big smile, I cringe as he starts to speak.

"You must attend all the activities we give for you to do and do as we tell you" He explains.

"Whatever" I sigh and walk out the door and out the building.

When I walk out I don't see anything because the lights are too bright. Simon told them we were here, for gods sake.

I feel Zayns hand grab mine, the gesture is cute and I feel protected.

We walk hand in hand, heads down to the car with picks us up to go back to the suite.

I could get used to being Zayn Maliks girlfriend.

(Should I leave it there for a few days or should I update tonight again, or every night maybe? Please don't forget to vote and comment, I really love it when you's do that)

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