Chapter 13

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Thats right guys im updating!!!! I couldnt think of an exact storyline so im just gonna make it up as i go along a little bit, there might be a few spelling mistakes or some things might be gramatically incorrect, so youll just have to excuse me on that one, anyway im finished blabbing now, lyasm byeee x

Ella Horan

After Niall stormed out me and Zayn were just stood there confused as to what just happened, did Niall really just un-invite me to christmas???

I go to run after Niall but Zayns arm stops me.

"Leave him, just stay here with me" He pleads, i have to admit its hard to say no to a face like that.

"I cant just leave him, hes my brother, i have to spend christmas with him" I tell him.

I run out of the gym and see him in the corner of the hallway, curled up in a ball, crying. God i hate seeing him cry, its heartbraking.

I quietly walk up to him and sit down beside him.

"Ni, talk to me" I say as I rub his back.

"Just leave me" He sobs.

I roll my eyes. "Niall, I'm not just going to leave this, we need to sort this out"

"Do you love him?" He looks up at me, blue eyes watering.

"Well, I like him yes, but I don't love him, and to be honest you don't really have anything to worry about" I shake my head at him.

"It's not that I'm worried your going to jump into bed with him because I know your not like that, it's just I know what Zayn is like, I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything but there's thing that he does that I don't want you to have to deal with and he's my best friend and your my little sister, it's weird" He takes a deep breath.

"But Niall, I understand that might be hard for you but I like him and he likes me"I sigh.

"I know, I'm sorry for overreacting, you can spend Christmas with us" He gives me a warm smile.

"Please, I was going to anyway" I laugh.

Niall Horan

I take a seat on the bar stool in the kitchen. Harry joins me and gives me a rough smile.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Do you think it would be weird if Gemma started dating Liam or Zayn?" I asked.

"Why? Does she like one of them? Do they like her?" He gets protective really quickly but I just shake my head.

"No no, Ella and Zayn, they, they like each other and they want to get together but it's just too weird for me and I don't want to be the reason that they're unhappy" I sigh.

"Well, if I'm honest I wouldn't let Gemma date Zayn but I just think that maybe Zayn would look after Ella. Yes because Ella's younger than him and Gemma is older than him but I think they would perfectly suit" He says it so breezy.

"I don't know, I mean, I don't want my sister to just be something he can grope to get over Perrie, and what if she ever sees him in one of his states and he lashes out on her, yeah sure we can handle it and when we're around we can easily make sure she's okay but what about if they move in together and it happens?" I play with my shirt as I let out my worried feelings to Harry.

"Niall, your worrying too much, Zayn is a good guy and I'm sure he would never lash out on a beautiful girl like your sister-" I glare up at him and he raises his arms defensively.

"I'm gay remember?" I nod and he carries on taking. "The point is, wouldn't you rather have her date someone you know and can handle everything about him than some idiot from her school who is probably like all boys and will just mess her around?"

"Well yeah I suppose, infact, your right, your absolutely right harry" I start to get really happy again. "Harold Edward Styles, you beautiful man, your right"

I walk out the kitchen and find Ella asleep on the sofa, her head rested on Liam's lap. I like how close and friendly they are around her, I like how we're all one big family.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask him.

"Talking to Louis about the exact same thing you and Harry were talking about" He tells me.

"You little eavesdropper and Louis and Harry are like little Jeremy Kyles" I joke and we both laugh.

I walk to Louis' room but I just find Louis reading on his IPad.

"What you reading?" I ask.

"Just this book, it's called locker 17, it's about me and Harry" He smiles.

"Oh I've read that, where's Zayn?"

"In his room" He tells me and I walk over to Zayn's room.

I walk in and find him asleep on his bed, I roll my eyes at him, that damn boy is always sleeping.

I go into my room and curl up into bed, I'll leave it till tomorrow.

I wrap my arms around Lauren's small waist and gently drift off to sleep.

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