Chapter 10

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"L-l-louis" Zayn stutters.

"Did you find them?" Niall comes into view as he talks to Louis. With zayn still frozen above me.

"Niall-" Zayn starts but is interrupted by Niall.

"Why, do you, have your tongue, down my little sisters throat?" He's very calm about this but I give zayn abit of a nudge to get off me.

"It wasn't his fault Niall, it wa-"

"Save it! I'll deal with you later" He glares at me, for once I'm quite scared of him.

"Well?!" He snaps at Zayn who is stood quite timidly by the bed.

"Because i-" He mumbles.

"I cant hear you!"

"Because I have feelings for her!" Zayn snaps back at Niall.

I look up at zayn in shock. Did he really just say that? He couldn't have? We've only know each other like a week.

"What?" Louis finally says something. "I just thought you guys were just doing it, I didnt know yous had feelings"

We all look at Louis now. What?

"You what!" Niall shouts at me and Zayn.

"Louis!" I shout.

"We've never done anything, thats the only thing we've ever done!" Zayn snaps at him.

Our eyes are glued to Louis and he's thinking really quickly to get out of this.

"Oh look, theres an empty bed and Harry's home" He says and runs off.

Niall gives us one last look and walks off to his room.

"Did you tell Louis that we'd done it?" He asks me.

"Did I heck" I scoff.

"He can be really stupid sometimes" He laughs.

"Did you really mean that?" I ask, my voice small and whisperish.

We both sit down on the bed and his thumbs fiddle with mine. "Yeah"

I smile up at him and he does the same.

"Why is Louis crying?" Harry pokes his head round the corner of the door frame.

I get up and follow harry to their room where Louis is curled up on their bed crying.

I sit down next to him and rub his back.

"What's the matter Lou?" I ask him.

"You all hate me because I said that" He sobs.

"Awh no Louis, we don't hate you, we love you" I coo.

"You sure?" He lifts his head up to look at me, revealing his red face.

"Positive" I smile.

We go into the living room and I rest my head on Harry's lap and my feet on Louis' lap.

I feel so protected around all these boys.

Lauren comes and sits down on the couch opposite us.

"Where's Niall?" I ask.

"He's just taking some time to calm down" She winks at me.

(Sorry!!!!! I'm sorry it's short and shitty but again I'm tired. It's Christmas eve eve today, well actually it's Christmas eve! THAT MEANS ITS LOUIS' BIRTHDAY!!!!! I LITERALLY WANT TO CRY BC IM A LOUIS GIRL AND URRGH MY BABY IS 23 RN, I NEED TO CONROL MY EMOTIONS )

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