People Suck, Some Just Less Than Others.

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(How do you guys feel about the new cover/s? Something new I think I like them and it makes the two books look more like a set, if you hate it I can always change it back lmao)


"So how serious are you guys now?" I ask topping off Carly and Cody's glasses with the rest of the bottle of Moscato we'd cracked open. "I feel like last season when Cody had to go for spring training both of you were pretty indifferent to him leaving."

Carly is practically in Cody's lap right now them both sharing our living room chair. Cody's arms are around her as she sides sideways legs over his lap. They share a glance with each other before both almost shrugging in sync. "I mean," Carly says, "We're still together."

"Together can mean a lot of things though," Christian points out, "JJ and I weren't even together for the first three years we knew each other yet everyone was convinced we were."

"Yeah because you guys basically were. Seeing as you were hooking up that whole time, moved in together, and literally everyone could see you two were actually fucking soulmates," Carly calls us out. "Like anyone with eyes could see that you two were obsessed with each other even when you were dating other people."

"She's got a point," I comment nodding to the side looking at Christian who just shakes his head with a small smile.

"People also cared more about you two because you were trying so hard to force that just friends and just roommates narrative. Most people could see there was more to it than just that even if you two didn't put a label on it," Cody adds, "Carly and I have just been ignoring it and letting people think what they want. They land on their conclusion then shut up about it."

"Okay, but where do you two actually stand," I ask again, "Like are y'all casual, are you serious, it's been over a year now. I'm not trying to rush you or anything I'm just curious."

"Not serious enough where we've like met each other's family, but not casual enough that we're seeing other people," Carly answers before fist-bumping Cody. I laugh a little and nod taking a sip from my glass, well if that's how they want it then fine by me. "You two are the only people we actively hang out with together."

"Why?" Christian asks confused by it, "Like you guys have been together for over a year why the I guess secrecy?"

"Cause we're keeping it casual and just for us," Carly says and Cody agrees.

"Yeah, we don't really need anyone else up in our business so why include more people in it?" Cody adds. Christian nod's kinda squinting at Cody as if he knows there's more behind his answer.

Picking up the glasses from the living room and bringing them into the kitchen where Christian is already cleaning up some dishes I set them next to the sink to wait for him to finish up. He just grabs them and cleans them on his own not letting me help. I mean alright. Hopping up on the counter next to the sink I have to ask, "Alright, what are you thinking about those two? I caught that look you gave Cody when he was talking about not wanting other people in their business."

"I'm not really thinking anything about it," He comments moving a freshly scrubbed plate into the dishwasher.

"Bullshit," I say knowing he's holding out on something.

Christian shakes his head a little, "It's really nothing JJ, it's in the I guess 'Bro code' category."

I scoff rolling my eyes, "'Bro Code' doesn't apply to spouses."

Chuckling slightly he looks up at me before holding up his hand that's got some bubbles on it from the soapy dishwater he'd been using, "Promise you're not going to make it a thing and go running to Carly? Cause I have nothing to show for what I'm thinking, it's just an educated guess." I link my pinky with his and nod, "I think Beli might be cheating on Carly."

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