Injury Prone.

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The amount of sugar that was in literally every part of the waffle I've just finished would usually have been too much about halfway through. Somehow though today it's almost not enough and I just want another. Cleaning up my stuff I throw the now empty take-out box away in Alecia's recycling while her and Christian have been talking about his plans for this coming season.

"Well," Christian says looking at me as I sit back down, "If JJ ends up getting pregnant I think I'll probably be trying to be home as much as possible. Especially towards the end of the season. Otherwise, it's just going to be a normal season and JJ was thinking about going back for another season before we keep trying."

I nod agreeing, "Hopefully everything goes well though next week where we can keep up with that plan because I haven't gone to the gym since before Christmas."

"Next week?" Alecia asks confused looking between Christian and me.

"You tell her?" I say looking at Christian.

"We've got an appointment on the twenty-fourth to start on a round of IVF."

"Seriously?" Alecia asks almost shocked at the news, "Wow, I mean that's great, you've only tried for a few months now though."

"Yeah," Christian answers nodding, "I guess we just figured that this would be the last thing we tried and if it didn't stick we'd stop trying until after this season for JJ. Neither of us figured it'd make sense for her to take the whole next season off if we weren't even going to get the chance to really try because of my schedule."

"Well, obviously I hope everything works out," Alecia says laughing a little, "I'm just a little surprised to hear how quickly you guys have come to that decision. I definitely get it though! Have you not already told people that you weren't coming back this year though Jai?"

"Not officially," I reply shaking my head, "I think Maddy and Carly are the only ones I've talked to about it. I briefly mentioned to Ken that I might not. So other than saying I had something else going on for campaign shoots should things not work out I've still got my spot."

"Are you thinking of just doing that when and if you actually get pregnant now in the near future?" Alecia asks just curious of our planning process right now.

"Yeah, I'll probably have to figure something out so it doesn't get leaked or something but," I shrug a little before that same bit of nausea hits me again I hold my hand in a fist over my mouth and try and get it to pass before continuing. "Sorry," I laugh slightly as I brush off the second moment today, "I don't think it'll be too hard to make something up, say I'm giving my shoulder a break or something."

"Hey you being injury prone has its perks," Christian teases making me roll my eyes. The fact that he's not wrong is actually kinda annoying.

"I'm not that injury-prone," I reply back under my breath almost pouting a little, "It's only been two major ones."

"Yeah on top of you getting drilled by pitches taking you out or getting run down by girls taking you out," Christian adds laughing as he calls me out. "Your ass probably has more but you don't even know it because of how used to it you are." I just press my lips together and scrunch my nose a little trying not to say anything or laugh at him as I push air out of my nose a little frustrated that I can't even argue. "It's okay you make up for it by being the cutest person ever making faces like that."

Alright, he broke me, I can't help laughing letting go of the mild annoyance that he was right as I just shake my head, "You're an ass sometimes."

"Only cause I love you," Christian says giving me that dumb little grin making me just roll my eyes and shake my head once again before looking back to Alecia who's obviously very amused by the two of us.

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