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"Christian, please just relax. I promise we're okay and I promise he's going to be staying put for at least a few more weeks," I tell him over the phone after he's called for the fortieth time now today it seems like. I love how much he cares and how much he wants to be here right now but him stressing too much over the baby isn't going to help anything, "Your mom should be here soon and Tyler and Dylan are only a phone call away. We're okay I promise," I reiterate. "My dad also mentioned coming around to help get the nursery here finished up baby Yeli and I have plenty of people around that can help us out."

Christian sighs a little, "Alright, please tell me right away though if anything comes up. I got you the number to reach Couns if we're in-game."

"I've got it, babe," I tell him laughing a little, "Our pineapple and I can't wait for you to get back after you sweep those Cardinals. Start enjoying these last games more and not worrying too much about us. You guys are looking pretty great for the postseason again, make the most of it because pretty soon you won't have it anymore."

Sighing again Christian responds, "You're right, I love you, and our pineapple baby. Six more weeks right?"

"Yep," I say, "I'd say it can't come soon enough but I don't actually want him taking that seriously again."

Christian laughs, "No we don't. I've gotta get going again, I love you."

"I love you too, and so does our little man. See you in a few days."

"A few days too many but," Christian replies, "See you then." I just chuckle a little before wincing slightly at the still sore rib as we hang up. 

"Alright asshole," I say to my bump, "If I go try and paint in your room are you going to be a dick and try to vacate the premises or I guess uterus?" I wait for a second as if I'm expecting an answer or something before I get up and head up the stairs to what used to be my room before Christian and I stopped trying to force that whole friend's thing. 

Flicking the light on I step onto the yellow room with its dark blue accent wall and see the sketch I'd done in the corner opposite the door of a tree and some of the Winnie the Pooh characters. If I bomb this we can paint over it. I grab and start pouring the brown paint out into the container I'd grabbed with the big brush to cover as much ground as possible. This is by far the largest thing I've worked on so we're just going to go for it and see what happens I guess.   

I'm probably twenty minutes in when Alecia makes her way up, "Well if this isn't the cutest room ever." 

I turn and grin at her pretty proud of everything we've got right now for baby Yeli. "Hey oh my god, I didn't even realize you came in!" I tell her as I set the brush into the paint and greet her with a small hug, "And I know, Christian keeps laughing at me because of how much I've been nesting now." 

"Well there's absolutely nothing wrong with nesting," Alecia says as we let go of each other and she looks to my now almost impossible to ignore bump. "The little guy's getting big! I swear the last time I got to see you you couldn't even guess that you were pregnant!" 

"I know," I say rubbing my bump a little, "He makes himself very known even after giving quite the scare two weeks ago." 

"Are you still having contractions?" she asks.

I shake my head, "No not like real ones I don't think, just the Braxton Hicks but even those I pretty much can ignore like its nothing now." 

"Well that's good," Alecia says before leaning down and talking to my little dude, "You keep playing nice for your momma and quit giving her any more trouble dude. Stay in there too at absolute least until your daddy gets back home." 

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