But I'm here for all of it.

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"Okay, I'm going to be a bitch right now," Carly states, giving me a heads up. "The team fucking sucks, and you're a fucking asshole for having shitty tendons." 

Scoffing slightly, I finish tying my sneakers while I reply, "I feel like I'm not in a position to comment on that one."

"Shut the fuck up," Carly groans, "We all know you watch the games when they're on. You've seen how shitty they've been." 

"Well," I shrug, taking my phone again and holding it as I facetime my friend, "I'm not there, and it's still my team. As easy as it would be right now, I probably shouldn't talk shit when I can't contribute." 

"Yeah, but it's just me, and I'd rather us both be bitchy assholes than just being one myself," She replies, making me laugh, "We fucking suck, and I need you to confirm that for me." 

"Carly, you're batting over .500, I don't think anyone can call that sucking." 

"That's another reason you're an asshole," She points out, "I've always been above average, but no one cared because you were there batting .900. Now people are paying attention to my numbers, and I have to do your job dealing with the media." 

"But you're finally getting recognized for being one of the best players in the league," I point out, knowing just how much everyone else's talent had seemingly been swept under the rug because of me. 

"Yeah, and I hate it," She complains, "Like I was perfectly fine coasting along in your shadow, no one was attacking me for having an off game cause we were still winning. Now we're on a five-game losing streak, and people are picking apart everything I'm doing. Then I have to worry about my media presence, and that's just a fucking bore. Why do I have to put on a show for fucking Fox Sports? What do I owe them? Like from time to time, yeah, whatever, I get it. But constantly? Ugh!" She groans loudly, finishing her slight rant. 

"Welcome to my world."

"See," She starts, "You're like a likable, marketable person, for the most part. Meanwhile, I'm getting yelled at for accidentally cussing and my RBF. They don't want me going out as much because, 'it's not a good look, especially when we're losing,'" She mimicks, rolling her eyes, "Like just let me do my thing, it's never been a problem before."  

"Believe me, I know," I reply, "Honestly, just cool it with the swearing, and you're probably fine. Jenna still regularly yells at me for not looking as interested as I should in interviews. As much as I know you're going to hate this, you've gotta act like a people pleaser. Put on a show for the thirty minutes you have to, then go back to being the bad bitch you are. Eventually, the world will get to a point where powerful women aren't expected to always be poised and proper, but unfortunately, we're not quite there." 

"And I don't wanna be that bitch," Carly says, laughing as she does, "Get your ass cleared and take your job back. I don't want it." 

Laughing, I nod, "I'm actually heading to PT now, so that's the goal. However, I can't deny that I'm enjoying my time without all the attention." 

"Yeah, and having picnics in a hotel room with your husband making us all nauseous with how cute you two are," she teases. "Some of us are still single, you know."

"Okay, that's by your own choosing," I point out, still laughing at her comment. 

"So then what?" She asks, "Y'all are still disgustingly perfect." 

"Thanks," I reply with a slight chuckle, "I gotta let you go. This shoulder's not going to fix itself."

"Alright," she says with a sigh, "What's the ETA on that?" 

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