Sea Turtle.

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Splashing water at Christian I laugh incredibly hard while we mess around in the ocean together. I never want to go home. He shakes his head laughing before diving under and grabbing my legs making me scream laugh as he comes back up throwing me up making me go under. I shoot back up and wipe my face still laughing as he holds onto my hips as he laughs too. I hold my arms around his neck as he leans in kissing me, swaying slightly with the waves. Christian moves his hands up from my waist and pushes my wet hair behind my shoulders as he holds my head in his hands continuing to kiss me. I don't think that it's physically possible to ever get tired of this man.

Christian rests his forehead on mine kissing my nose again making me giggle a little, "I love you, so damn much JJ."

Something about how he said it makes me a little emotional just knowing how much I know he means it. I've never felt insecure in our relationship since we put everything on the table and that's something I'll never be able to thank him enough for, "I love you, Christian."

We both just hold onto each other my head resting on his chest and his chin on my head both of us just watching the water we're standing in all the way to the horizon. It's crazy beautiful and just looks as though it wouldn't ever end. The sun is on its way down making the sky a soft pink-orange color and everything is just incredibly calm. Nothing in the world can jostle anything it almost seems like.

"Hey, look look look," Christian says excitedly letting go of me and pointing at something slightly behind me. I turn and look where he's pointing and my jaw basically drops as I see the cute little head of a sea turtle popped just above the water about fifteen feet away from us.

"Oh my god," I say almost whispering almost about to cry. This is insane being so close to something as gorgeous as this. Just having the marine life so at peace doing their thing seemingly not caring that we're so close to it.

Christian chuckles a little as we watch it dip back under before swimming away back out further into the ocean. "Are you crying?" He asks me laughing when I stop staring at where it was last visible and turn back into him.

"Shush," I say laughing a little wiping my eyes. "It's just so insane being able to see something like that naturally."

"You're adorable," Christian says still chuckling holding me tightly to him again.

We stay out until the sunsets and watch as it does before Christian starts kissing me again holding me before carrying me back to our villa as both of us laughing over it. We get inside and Christian starts making out with me once again before pulling a blanket down as he sets me back on my feet and flattens it out on the floor. Christian pulls me down with him as I giggle a little before he pushes his hand through my still completely wet hair. Neither of us bothering to dry off.

He pulls himself over the top of me and shoves his tongue in my mouth as he pulls on my hair making me moan slightly as he does. One of his hands trails down my body before finding itself on my thigh and he grips it tightly pulling my leg up around his waist. I do the same with my other locking them around him as he pulls me off the floor and pulls at the strings on the top of my bikini top letting it fall between us. Letting my fingers run through his wet hair pulling on it gently while we continue making out as he pulls the strings of my bikini bottom undone on each side before he pulls it out from between us before he lays me back down. Putting my arm under my head, I watch him, still with beads of water dripping down his torso, as he looks me up and down a second before reaching to the closest chair and pulling the throw pillow from it and giving it to me.

"Might make things a little more comfortable," Christian says smirking, "When you throw your head back for me."

His confidence in his goal is incredibly sexy as he grabs the condoms and comes back down. He looks at me the smirk still playing on his lips as I'm laid out for him just waiting for what's coming next. He leans back over holding himself up on his forearms that he's resting on either side of my head now. I look into his eyes licking my lips slightly as he smiles a little before pushing his lips back onto mine. His left hand trailing down my body before finding my sweet spot and using his fingers to press down as he begins to rub in small circles making me moan out for him. He dips a finger in, and then two still putting in plenty of work making me bite my lip slightly looking into his completely dilated eyes.

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