𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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The silence of the pitch black night was disrupted by loud cheers coming from a sketchy, dirty plot loacted deep inside a dark, repugnant alleyway.

❝ JK!❞
❝ JK!❞
❝ JK!❞

The sound of bones breaking and fists pummeling bounced off of the worn out walls.
People hollered and whistled as JK dropped a powerful punch to his opponents jaw, the breaking of teeth echoed throughout the lively stadium.

It wasn't a fair match and everyone was aware of the fact, there was nobody in the whole dammed city that could even come close to the level of fighting skills JK possessed but that didn't stop anyone from fulfilling their sadistic fanaticies by watching the undefeated Boxer beat his opponents to half death or sometimes even death but that ordeal seldom took occurence.

His opponents body fell limp on the ground, the young man wasn't recognizable but the mere fact that he was still breathing indicated that jungkook had mercy on him.

The referee blew his whistle indicating JK's win and the crowd erupted in cheers, the referee held Jk's hand up making it clear, eventhough everyone had already predicted this outcome.

Jungkook's eyes scanned the stadium looking at familiar and new faces, none of them intriguing him in the least, if anything he was repulsed.

His scrutinizing gaze then fell upon someone that didn't fit in with the crowd in the slightest.
His eyes widened as he took in the small boy's appearance.

Silver hair adorned his sculpted face, he had big doe eyes making him resemble a harmless puppy, a beautiful nose and plump, pink lips complemented his tanned skin tone, The boy is Ethereal, angelic.

He had a petite figure, his alluring body was covered up with a baby blue sweater and black skinny Jeans that made him stand out even more.

He was like a innocent bunny thrown to hungry, ruthless wolves who would devour him whole.
The worst part was that he had caught the eyes of the deadliest of them all.

Jungkook watched as the boy tugged at the sleeves of the man who was standing in front of him, a silent gesture conveying that he was uncomfortable.

Jungkook passed a cold glare to the crowd before walking off the stage into his personal cabin, the owners of the boxing ring make money only because of jungkook, he was treated like God here.

This Town was his domain, he was untouchable. His name struck fear into the hearts of the strongest men, Jungkook was the worst nightmare of those who managed to tick him off.

The only thing remotely ordinary about him was that he attended college, it was his dying grandmother's last wish, so who was he to deny her of that right.

❝ You did amazing as always JK! ❞

A voice called out gaining his attention,
He turned around to come face to face with one of the few people he could tolerate.

Kim Namjoon.

Jungkook nodded his head in acknowledgement, noticing the deep dimples his friend possesses.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but closed it immediately after noticing the presence of a petite figure besides his built friend.

The same ethereal Boy that caught his eyes in the crowd, the boy had his head casted down, blocking jungkook's view
Of his beautiful face.

Jungkook noticed how the boys hands were curled into sweater paws making him look extremely adorable.

Jungkook could just eat him up.

❝This is my little Brother, Kim Taehyung. ❞

Namjoon announced, a proud look etched on his face, Namjoon was aware of the fact that his brother was mesmerizing.

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