𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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Darkness Enveloped the Once busy streets as Noise of life died down and Sun bid it's farewell, the lampposts flickered as the flies surrounding the only source of light hummed freely.

Taehyung took hesitant steps out of the 24/7 supermarket with the heavy groceries weighing him down.
Jungkook was fast asleep giving Taehyung the perfect opportunity to buy the ingredients for a Suprise cake as Christmas was around the corner.

Jungkook hasn't celebrated Christmas in the past five years and Taehyung wanted Jungkook to associate Christmas with beautiful memories of them and everything dear to them but Jungkook was adamant on not giving a fuck about the awaited festivity making Taehyung take this rash decision of sneaking out at 11pm at night.

The silence was unnerving and the absolute darkness had engulfed the moon and stars, Such a dark night cannot do anybody any good.
Taehyung clutched the groceries tighter and regretted the decision of walking, instead of using his car.

He felt a pair of eyes on him making his heartbeat skip due to fear and anxiety.
He clutched the groceries tighter and quickened his pace wanting to get to his house as soon as possible.

His heart dropped to his stomach when his ears caught the sound of faint footsteps trailing behind him, Taehyung didn't dare turn around and look, He kept on walking indifferently.

Adrenaline surged through his veins as his heartbeat increased wildly, he felt tears brim his eyes as the footsteps increased in pace with coordinance to his own confirming his suspicions of being followed.

One of the street lights was adorned with A Circular, bordered mirror to assist Vehicles in driving, This very mirror pulled Taehyung's eyes.

Out of his peripheral vision Taehyung saw the silhouette of the man who was tailing after him through the mirror. The sight of the very man, however, shook him to the core.

He was tall but his face was painted a Dull shade of white and nose tainted red, his hair was a spectrum of colors, resembling rainbows.
His attire was funky and mismatched, not something people would normally wear and take a stroll.

The man was portraying a Clown.

Taehyung was terrified, he was deathly afraid of Clowns since a Very young age, one of his darkest and deepest fears.

The sinister clown wore a spine chilling smile that would haunt Taehyung's dreams for quite a while, Taehyung was so focused on the clown that he tripped and stumbled over his steps, falling to his knees.

The plastic bags containing the groceries tore apart making the Groceries spill over the pavement like blood over a White Carpet.
Taehyung was panic-Stricken and his face paled, he tried to pull his body upwards but couldn't get up.

A pair stricking, Black Valentino shoes with Rainbow Colored socks came into his line of sight, Goosebumps spread across Taehyung's skin as his throat ran dry and eyes fluttered upwards.

The Clown was standing right before his eyes, the same unfaltering smile shone sinisterly as the crazed look in the clown's eyes became prominent to Taehyung.

Two gloved fingers lifted Taehyung's face up, the watery, puppy eyes made the clown almost groan with pleasure.
Taehyung's body froze with fear, his irrational fear of Clowns prevented him for fighting or protesting against the said clown's advances.

The mocking laughter of the clown brought Taehyung out of the trance he was in and he abruptly got up and made a run for it, only to be kicked in calves and fall to his knees again.

The terrified boy's knees gave up him and his head hit the hard concrete surface making warm blood trickle down his forehead.
His breathing was uneven and eyes were fighting to stay open, his mind was begging for Jungkook to miraculously show up and save him but that scenario is out of question.

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