𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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❝Oh, Why are you here?❞
Jungkook blurted out, taken by suprise.

You wouldn't expect your childhood bestfriend to show up at your hotel room door, early in the morning announced.

❝I wanted to spend more time with my bestfriend, is that so wrong? ❞
Hoseok humored, inviting himself inside the spacious room.

Jungkook wasn't annoyed rather perplexed but what bothered him was he couldn't recall telling Hoseok about the Hotel he was staying at.

❝How'd you know I was staying in this Hotel? ❞
Jungkook inquired, fetching water for his unexpected Guest.

❝You mentioned it yesterday, ofcourse!❞
Hoseok exclaimed, settling down on one of the couches making himself at home.

I Did?

Hoseok's eyes raked over Jungkook's unconvinced expression and nervousness built up in the pit of his stomach but Jungkook was too occupied with recalling Yesterday's conversation to notice the minute change of expression on his friends face.

❝I'm not stalking you, kook!❞
Hoseok exclaimed, covering up his suspicious behavior with roars of laughter.

Jungkook laughed along, pushing the suspicions to the back of his mind.

❝I have to go and wake up Taehyung, now. ❞
Jungkook mumbled, getting up.

Hoseok exclaimed, grasping Jungkook's wrist making the latter halt his movements.

Jungkook turned around raising an inquisitive eyebrow, bewildered at his friend's behavior.

❝I'll wake him up, you seem preoccupied.❞
Hoseok said, gesturing towards whatever the fuck it was that Jungkook was trying to cook.

Jungkook still can't cook for shit.

❝Oh, okay. ❞
Jungkook mumbled wanting to suprise his boyfriend by cooking him breakfast.

Hoseok smiled triumphantly walking towards the secluded master bedroom, closing the door silently behind him.

His eyes raked over the sleeping figure of Kim Taehyung, cuddled up in blankets and pillows.

❝How sickeningly Adorable!❞
Hoseok voiced out, each word laced with venom.

Hoseok took slow steps towards the sleeping boy, settling himself besides the unmoving figure.
He ran his hands through Taehyung's silver locks, brushing them out of his face.

❝What's so special about you?❞
Hoseok mumbled, eyes taking in the pretty features Taehyung possessed.

❝Is it your skin?❞
Hoseok mumbled, caressing Taehyung's flawless skin.

❝Perhaps, it's your eyes. ❞
He said, pressing his fingers on the outline of Taehyung's eyes.

❝Maybe, it's your lips.❞
Hoseok whispered, grazing his fingers across Taehyung's pink lips.

❝Or it could be your tempting Body or your sharp mind. ❞
He kept whispering, snaking his hand gently around Taehyung's fragile neck.

❝Maybe, it's just a trivial thing.
Like your pure heart.❞
Hoseok said, feeling jealousy and anger bubble inside his being.

❝You're such an Angel. ❞
Hoseok spat, venom dripping from his words.

❝-But I can't begin to explain the urge I have to just strangle you to death.❞

Hoseok tightened his hold on Taehyung's neck but Loosened it once he felt the boy shift uncomfortably.

❝You're lucky.
I can't kill you because if I kill You,
I'll be breaking Jungkook's heart.❞
Hoseok said, a crazed expression gracing his face.

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