𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Jungkook leaned against the brick wall as he placed the lit cigarette in his mouth, he inhaled the smoke, cringing and taking the cigarette out.

His eyes shifted towards yoongi, who was hovering over a trembling man, his gun pressed against the petrified man's temple.

Jungkook got involved with gangs when he was merely 16 years old, his gang 'Bangtan' is where he met Min Yoongi.
Yoongi was cold and uninviting at first but he eventually warmed upto jungkook, who in all honesty was even more of an introvert Yoongi was.

Jungkook now led the gang alongside Yoongi, they were both the decision makers, the Kings.
Jungkook ususally did the killing but today he was beyond frustrated due to Soobin's irrational behavior.

Soobin was the only person jungkook loved wholeheartedly, his little brother, who has grown to be a giant bunny identical to jungkook.

So, imagine his suprise when he wakes up just to find soobin in a fit of rage, trashing his whole room.
Jungkook is many things but not an hypocrite, he didn't get mad at soobin for breaking their belongings but rather got extremely concerned as he has never seen soobin act upon unwarranted anger before, it was always jungkook who lost control of his anger and soobin who tried to calm his elder brother down.

-And before Jungkook could confront Soobin, he had already left their apartment, slamming the expensive front door behind him.

Jungkook was stunned, his eyes had raked over the wrecked room and zeroed on Soobin's unlocked phone.
Jungkook grabbed the ridiculously expensive object, only to find the picture of two boys hugging each other on Soobin's Instagram.

Jungkook had recognized one of the boys as Taehyung's cousin, the one he gave the ride back home to.

Jungkook rested his head against the dirty wall, his mind clouded with possible reasons for Soobin's break down, he was sure that it had something to do with the picture.

The beaming sound of a single gunshot reached his ears making him close his eyes in content, Jungkook loved the sound of gunshots but he loved them even more when he was the one pulling the trigger.

His eyes shot open when he heard a high pitched scream, he muttered curses under his breath before running along with yoongi towards the direction of the scream.

On the other hand, Taehyung was about to kill his stupid bestfriend for screaming bloody murder, when they were stuck in such a compromising situation.

He grabbed Jimin's hand and ran off to God knows where, his mind a jumbled mess, he would have never pegged Jungkook for a murderer, eventhough the said boy was extremely dangerous.

Taehyung felt himself being pulled towards an alleyway forcefully, his hand which was intertwined with Jimin's loosening and eventually breaking free completely.

Taehyung was pinned against the worn out wall, completely caged in by a much stronger man.
He thrashed and squirmed around in the Man's tight grip but all his attempts to free himself were futile.

He lifted his head gently, his eyes locking with dark ones which he recognized immediately.
A wave of panic and fear washed over him, Jungkook's once calming presence was now suffocating him.

❝Stop squirming, Taehyung.❞
Jungkook growled, sending shivers down Taehyung's spine.

Taehyung suddenly stopped all his actions, going limp within jungkook's grasp.

❝P-please Don't k-kill me.❞
Taehyung whispered, his voice shaking and barely audible.

Jungkook hated the look of fear in the youngers eyes for some unknown reason, to him, Taehyung looked like a scared kitten.

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