𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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❝ Would you like to eat carrots?❞
Taehyung asked, titling his head, cutely.

❝Are you Stereotyping all Rabbits? ❞
Jungkook questioned, glaring.

❝Calm down, it's not that deep.
I'm asking because the only thing left in my fridge is carrots. ❞

❝ I don't wanna eat carrots!❞
Jungkook mumbled, stomping his foot like a bratty kid.

❝ omg you fucking brat, let's go to the grocery store then. ❞

❝ I'm driving!❞
Jungkook yelled, grabbing the keys.

It was Saturday and jungkook and Soobin decided to pay the Kim's a visit, Namjoon has shifted into Seokjin's apartment, leaving only Yeonjun and Taehyung there.

Jungkook was in a suspiciously good mood.

Taehyung raked over the components the shopping cart contained with amusement.

❝ The hell you need so many banana milk cartons for? ❞

❝ Private purposes. ❞
Jungkook muttered, suspiciously.

If Taehyung hadn't known that jungkook is a boxer and a gangster, he would have mistaken him for an overgrown fetus.

❝ I'll go grab the snacks! ❞
Taehyung said, parting ways with jungkook

❝ hey, cutie! You here all alone?❞
A youngman spoke, getting Taehyung attention.

❝No, actually I'm with a f-friend.❞
Taehyung mumbled, not sure whether him and jungkook could be considered friends now.

❝ what's your name, beautiful?
I'm Choi daehyun. ❞

( A/N I made this up, don't really know whether there's an idol with such name. )

❝Taehyung, kim Taehyung.❞
Tae muttered, passing him a small smile, not really comfortable with having a conversation with a stranger.

❝ Pretty name for a pretty face, anyways, are you free today because I- ❞

Before daehyun could complete his sentence, he was pushed to the ground by someone.

❝ Oops! Sorry, didn't see you there.❞
Jungkook said, grabbing Taehyung hand in a tight grip.

❝Let's go, Petal.❞
Jungkook whispered, earning a nod of agreement from Taehyung.

Taehyung waved towards Daehyun, who was glaring daggers at jungkook.

❝ Maybe some other time! ❞
Tae whispered, before getting dragged out the store by jungkook.

❝ more like some other lifetime! ❞
Jungkook mumbled to himself.

❝ you pushed him on purpose didn't you? ❞

❝ His face was annoying. ❞
Jungkook growled out, tightening his grasp around Taehyung's wrist.

It was pretty obvious that jungkook was jealous and Taehyung found it extremely cute.

❝ You got the snacks?❞
Taehyung asked, stomach begging for food.

❝ I did but don't really feel like going home.❞

❝ Me too.❞
Taehyung mumbled, wanting to enjoy the windy whether.

❝ Have you ever ridden a skateboard? ❞
Jungkook asked, an idea forming into his unpredictable mind.

❝ yeah, skateboard was my bestfriend back in middle school in Deagu. ❞

❝ oh yeah, then you're gonna love this. ❞

Jungkook and Taehyung drove to the outskirts of the busy city, the surrounding getting calmer and calmer as they got nearer to their destination.

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