𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Author's Note:
Before continuing I would like to state that Jungkook suffers from intermittent explosive disorder (IED), it is an impulse control disorder that is characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger.
People suffering from IED essentially explode into a rage despite a lack of apparent reasons showing hostility, impulsivity and recurrent aggressiveness.
Basically, he possesses severe anger issues, making him act almost irrationally and have an intense quench for violence, he however acts this way only when triggered.

If Taehyung was a cartoon character, he is positive that they're would be steam coming out of his ears.

His bestfriend, platonic soulmate, brother from another mother and more importantly ride back home, Park Jimin
Had managed to get himself detention.

Yeah, they're fucking college gives out detentions.

He was shrieking curses at the sky and stomping his foot against the worn out pavement.

A loud honk brought him out of the trance, his eyes raked over the extremely beautiful black car that was parked in front of him, the windows of the car rolled down agonizingky slow.

Taehyung's eyes widened when they locked with jungkook's dark ones.
He tilted his head to one side in confusion, resembling a cute puppy.

❝ Get in. ❞
Jungkook stated casually.

❝ Pardon?❞

❝ I said get inside the fucking car, is it that difficult to comprehend? ❞

Taehyung couldn't fathom as to why Jeon Jungkook wanted to give him a lift, his feet stayed rooted to the pavement, a kind smile making it's way to his face.

❝ Oh, It's alright. I can find a way home, you don't need to bother. ❞

Jungkook grew annoyed of Taehyung's tactics and his grip on the steering wheel tightened considerably.

❝ Listen, Consider this as a repayment for bandaging my knuckles. ❞

❝ You don't need to repay me for that, I genuinely just wanted to help. ❞
Taehyung said, his smile deepening.

Jungkook stared in utter disbelief, his mind couldn't register the fact that this pretty boy was selfless to such an extent, Angel's can't survive on Earth, Jungkook had witnessed that first hand.

❝ I don't need your fucking help and I definitely do not like staying indebted to someone. So, if you know what's best for you, you'd get your ass inside the car.❞

Jungkook is a control freak, always has been one. It boils his blood if things don't go his way and he definitely doesn't appreciate Taehyung defying him.

❝ fine, whatever. ❞
Taehyung mumbled under his breath, getting inside the extremely expensive car.

Jungkook and Taehyung drove in comfortable silence until a poster adorned with a magical unicorn captured Taehyung's attention.

❝ I wish I could have one as my pet. ❞
He whispered to himself.

Unfortunately, jungkook had heard the whisper, he curiously looked towards the poster and amusement overrid his system.

❝ You know they're not real, right? ❞

❝ They are! Unicorns are the national animals of Scotland. ❞
Taehyung stubbornly argued, eventhough he himself was aware of the fact that Unicorns do not exist.

❝ They are definitely not real, just a figment of somebody's overactive imagination. ❞

Taehyung huffed and daringly reached out for the music system, switching it on to distract himself from the depressing facts Jungkook had bestowed on him.

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