𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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Jungkook is like the most stunning person ever ^^

Taehyung's eyes narrowed in concentration as he sketched random doodles in his favourite purple journal, his mind conveniently tuning out his professor's nagging voice.

Someone poked his cheek again and again disrupting his concentration, his beautiful features morphed into a look of annoyance as he raised his head up, glaring at his best friend.

❝ What is it, Jimin? ❞

❝ It speaks! ❞
Jimin shrieked, earning glares from people around him, he merely rolled his eyes shifting his attention back to his best friend.

Taehyung lowered his head, embarrassed from all the commotion jimin had caused.

❝ I want you to tag along with me to the business department, I have to give Seokjin Hyung his Notes back. ❞

❝ what If I don't want to? ❞
Taehyung questioned, even though he knows that he has no say in this,
What Jimin wants, Jimin gets.

❝ Then I'll drag you by your hair! ❞

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his best friend's aggressive behavior.

❝ I'll come with you, chill. ❞

Jimin was one of the few people who were acquainted with the bubbly and sassy person Taehyung was inside the Shy outer shell.

Taehyung and Jimin bickered the whole way towards the Business department, Both Namjoon and seokjin were majoring in Business while Jimin and Taehyung were majoring in Art and psychology.

Taehyung's eyes shone with adoration when his hyungs came into sight, he admired and loved both of them to death.

❝ Joonie Hyung! Save me from this Bitch! ❞
Taehyung yelled as he ran and hid behind Namjoon, leaving behind an offended Jimin.

Jimin passed the notes to his Jin hyung as he watch Taehyung's immature behavior throughly amused.

❝ I am your ride home, TaeTae. ❞
Jimin stated, putting on a nonchalant Expression but his eyes held amusement.

The epiphany crashed down on Taehyung as his eyes widened.
Leaving the sense of security Namjoon's broad back provided him behind, he made grabby hands at Jimin.

❝ Chimmy, you know I love you. ❞
Taehyung said, feigning innocence.

Jimin was giggling at his best friend's adorable behavior, Taehyung was like the Twin he never had.
They liked the same things, hated the same people, consulted each other before making any decisions and shared everything with each other,
They were platonic soulmates.

A sudden commotion grabbed the attention of the group.
Heaps of students ran towards a classroom with they're phones in their hands, wanting to film the whole ordeal.

Taehyung felt his hand being grabbed by Jin hyung as he pulled him towards the crowd of howling and whistling teenagers.

The Businness majoring students were popular for the constant fights and pranks they pulled throughout the academic year.

Jin and taehyung managed to shimmy through the hordes of people, who had nothing better to do than entertain themselves on the cost of someone else's pain.

Taehyung's eyes widened in fear as he saw the gruesome fight taking place in the classroom which was meant to be used for building up students not breaking the down.

Two guys lunged at each other like predators, one was visibly stronger and taller than the other, the Raven head who was most definitely more skilled than the blonde was dominating the fight completely.

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