𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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The wind blew lifeless petals and leaves to unfathomable places, far away from where they were originally rooted.

Just how in the course of life, circumstances force us to leave everything behind and start over somewhere unfamiliar, all over again.

Taehyung couldn't ever imagine that he would be sitting in a lively park in the heart of Seoul, so far away from his hometown daegu, a few years back.

After his father's death, Taehyung and his family had to move out from Daegu and reside in Seoul, leaving the burning memories behind.

Taehyung's mother's tender heart turned cold after the love of her life fell victim to a brutal accident, it was almost as if Taehyung had lost not only his father but also his mother that summer night in July.

Taehyung was brought out of his trail of thoughts when a fragile butterfly landed on his laptop, fluttering his pastel wings asking for Taehyung's undivided attention.

A small smile made it's way to Taehyung's face as his eyes raked over the delicate creature, taking in it's god gifted beauty.

He watched intently as the butterfly landed on his nose, his smile deepened as excitement filled the pits of his stomach.

Taehyung loved nature and everything it has blessed the ungrateful humans with.

He waved towards the now retreating butterfly until it was no longer within sight.

After the butterfly's dispersal, Taehyung was left all alone again.
He didn't mind being alone, infact he cherished the time he had all to himself because it gave him a chance of self discovery and care.

He switched on his laptop and grabbed his apple pen, his hands moving involuntarily creating something new.
Taehyung adored art, he appreciated all forms of art with all his heart.
For him art has never been work or a mere hobby, to him it was a way of living.

Cold air tickled his skin as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, sketching whatever his heart desired.
His eyes widened in realization, when he noticed that he had drawn someone very familiar.

A beautifully sculpted sketch of Jeon Jungkook adorned his laptop's screen.

His mind raced with sudden questions and doubts.
Why would he draw jungkook?
However, he blamed his actions on the sudden developing interest and curiosity towards the Raven.

Jeon Jungkook was truly someone he has never encountered before, so so different.

They're is some indescribable pull he feels towards Jungkook, like a moth drawn to the flame.
Taehyung is aware that the most alluring fires leave the most painful scars but the idea of getting burnt has never been this tempting before.

Jungkook is an enigma, a complicated puzzle he isn't capable of solving, a melody of lyrics he couldn't decipher.
All Taehyung is sure of is that Jeon Jungkook is so much more than he let's on.

Seoul has taught him to expect the unexpected, unlike the quite town that daegu is, Seoul is filled with versatile people with distinct spheres of interest.

One thing that he has learnt living in this city is that you can be lonely in a room full of people and that two people can be lonely together.

Being the observant person Taehyung is, he has learnt to distinguish fake smiles from authentic one's, he feels empathetic towards people who have to pretend to be alright, eventhough they are slowly breaking inside.

Honestly, Taehyung has forced too many smiles to not notice a fake one on someone else's face, so whenever he encounters someone who's forcing themselves to be happy, he gives them actual reasons to smile.

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